Sora x Reader part 1

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You had a crush on Sora for the longest time. But he liked Kairi. To be honest you were a little jealous of her. You didn't have special powers like her or anyone for that mater. You couldn't stop thinking about Sora. "I hope that he's safe." You said looking at a photo of him. You shook your head and continued to get ready for bed. You woke up crying again. You didn't understand why but this happend more and more often. "I really want to go with him." You said to yourself. You were waiting and waiting for him to come back. You looked out at the Island. "Maybe I should find a way out. That way I can find him." You said as the breeze played with your hair. 


Sora couldn't stop thinking about ____. He really didn't understand it. He read her letter then reread it. He missed her so much. "I'm so confused." He said looking down. He got up in the middle of night, sat down and tried write her a letter. But every time he tried to put his feelings on paper he felt stupid. "Why can't I tell her how I feel?" He asked himself. He tried again.


 I'm doing great. Donald and Goofy are doing good too. I just went to this world and there was lanterns everywhere. The night sky was so wonderful. You would love it so much. I wish that you were there. Please continue to write your letters.  I love getting them. Oh _____ don't listen to those mean girls at school. You're wonderful. Stay strong for me.When I get back can we sit on that odd tree? Just like the good old days. I haven't heard anything from Riku and Kairi yet. Let me know if they send you any letters. 

  Your friend,


 He stopped writing. "I hope that didn't sound stupid." He said looking at the letter. "I wonder if she's safe?" He asked. You sounded fine in your letters. But he wasn't too sure. The heartless and Nobodies were everywhere right now. He looked out the window. 

(Back with you)

The week was long and hard. But you finally got to sit on that tree by yourself. You looked at the star fruit. "I wonder if Sora would want to share this with Kairi?" You said trying to get it down. You really wanted him to be happy so you were going to send it to him. No matter how much it hurt you. You finally got home and wrote him a letter. 

Dear Sora,

I got your letter. You're right those lanterns sounded beautiful. I'm glad that you got to see them. I went to that island to sit on that tree. It doesn't feel the same without you. I miss you and Riku. I can't wait until you come back. I haven't heard from Riku or Kairi yet. Are they alright? Are you alright? I'll stay strong for you. Oh and I got you a gift share it with her. I hope that your destinies become intertwined. Oh and I hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend ____,

 You didn't understand why but his letters to you were short. But yet your letters to him were short. Was is because you felt awkward? You didn't know. You sent the letter and the gift. You sighed standing by the mail box. You felt so lonely. "Sora please I want you to be happy." You said looking down. 

(With Sora)

 He waited for her letter to come. "So is ___ alright?" Goofy asked him. "Yeah in her letters she sounded really happy." He said walking with is hands behind his head. "Good then you can get over your sickness." Donald said. "Sickness?" He asked confused he wasn't sick. "I think Donald means that you're too worried about ____. That you're not yourself. It's okay to be worried. After all Sora don't you love ___?" Goofy asked. Sora blushed thinking about him and you together. He shook his head. " I do but...she probably likes Riku anyways." He said looking down. "I think you should tell ___ how you feel. " Goofy said. "Yeah what could go wrong?" Donald said. "She says no..." He said frowning. Later that night he got your letter. He read it and opened the gift. "I'm so confused." Sora said to himself blushing. He imagined you sharing one with him. He shook his head. You weren't here.How could he share one with you?

 (With you)

 You sat on the docks of the islands looking at the water. You heard footsteps behind you. You turned around. "Move it!" Someone in a mask said. "Sora?" You asked yourself. You were all alone. You ran away from him. Then some monsters appeared. "We can make this easy or we can make it hard. Your pick." He said opening a dark portal. You felt really sleepy. "Sora!" You said before passing out. 

 (With Sora)

 He waited for another letter. But one never came. "Is she mad at me?" He wondered. "Sora!" He heard your voice. He looked around. You weren't there. "Do I miss her that much? That I'm hearing her voice?" He asked looking down. Weeks past and still no letter came. "Sora what's wrong?" Goofy asked him. "It's nothing." Sora said smiling. "Is this about ____?" Donald asked. "Yes she won't answer any of my letters." He said. "I think that ____ is really busy right now." Goofy said. "Is that it?" Sora asked thinking that he might be too worried. "I think so." Donald said. 

(With you)

 "Is she okay?" An unfamiliar voice asked. 

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