3- Millie

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It's already the first day and I'm lost. I didn't know that lunch was mixed with every single student! Maddie told me to meet her at a big tree. But there is so many big trees here though! So I decided to call her.


"Hey it's Millie. Where are you at?"

"I told you, we're at the big tree. Are you lost?"

"Oh no. I'm fine." I lied.

"Just go up to us when you see us."

"Ok got it." I hung up.

It's so claustrophobic over here. So many people are surrounding me. I'm wearing heels and I STILL can't see shit. Until I saw a girl with long red hair. She was wearing a shirt that says "Got help?" It's similar to the "Got milk?" thing. I assume that she was one of those people you go to if you need help on the first day. I, of course, needed help so I walked up to her.

"Hey," I said. "Can you help me with something?"

"That's why I'm here," the girl said. "So what's up?"

"I'm trying to find my friends but I can't find them," I said. "I know they are at this big tree somewhere."

"Do you mind me asking you what your friends names are?" The girl asked.

"Yea sure," I responded. "Their names are Lilia and Maddie."

"Buckingham and Ziegler?"

"Yes, how do you know?" I asked.

"Well, they both hang out with other people at the tree in the middle of the quad. And I hang out around the area where they usually hang out."

"You're friends with Lilia and Maddie?"

"No. Maddie doesn't like me and I barely ever talk to Lilia. I don't feel comfortable talking about what happened between me and Maddie. It's embarrassing." Maddie told me that her and another girl got some "beef" with each other. Looks like it was this girl.

"Can you just take me where they're at please?" I asked.

"Oh yes of course." She responded. This girl honestly looks so nice. Her hair is gorgeous and her skin looks so clear. How would Maddie ever dislike someone like this?

"May I ask you what your name is?" I really want to know her name.

"Sink. Sadie Sink. What's yours?"


"That's a pretty name. You a freshman?"

"Thank you and yes I am."

"Nice and I'm junior." She handed this card. Like those business cards you get at banks. It said "Got help? Look for Sadie!" and it had some information on it. Should I keep this or throw it away? Eh, I'm just gonna keep it.

time skip to where Millie meets up with Lilia and Maddie...

I'm so happy that I'm with my 2 best friends now. Last time we were fully together at school was when I was in 6th grade. We can finally do some crazy shit in school now!

"Millie! I'm going to introduce you to some hella cool people!" Lilia said while doing finger guns.

"I was wondering who these people are." I said.

"Ok, so here's Finn. He is probably the most indie and crackhead person you'll ever meet." Lilia said when she pulled Finn's hair.

"This is Lilia and she's probably the most sluttiest person you'll ever meet." Finn said sarcastically.

"Shut up you dumbass." Lilia said.

Finn was tall, pale, and skinny. His hair was purple and very curly. His face had freckles on it that looked like someone drew them. He dressed like one of those skater boys you find at the skating park or skating around town. Damn, he's hella cute.

"Who are you staring at?" Finn asked.

"Oh shit sorry," I said. "Just dozed off."

"Ooooo," I heard a guy say. "Millie has a crush."

"Oh and that's Jack Dylan Blazer." Lilia pointed out.

I turn around and see a tall guy with black curly hair. He also had freckles and dressed like a skater boy, just like Finn.

"What's up I'm Jack." Jack said. He reached into a handshake.

"Millie." I said. I then shake his hand. Oh shit, he has a strong grip.

"Hey I like your accent. You British?" Jack asked.

"Yes I am." I answered.

"Moving on," Lilia said. "This is, of course, my baby Jaeden." Lilia and Jaeden side hugged and kissed each other. Aw how cute. Wish I could relate.

"Ok we get it. Now get a fucking room." Finn said.

"Fuck off, Wolfhard." Maddie said.

"Fuck you, Ziegler." Finn responded. The way he cussed sounded so relaxing. How can a guy sound so relaxed while cussing?

"Ok so before there is a huge fight, I'm Wyatt." Wyatt interrupted.

"Yea I know who you are." I said. I've known Wyatt since Lilia introduced me to him. That was back when I was in 7th grade.

"Hey hey your sunglasses look sick!" I heard someone say. I look and see a tall skinny African American but in front of me. Why are all the boys here tall and skinny?

"Thank you." I responded.

"I'm Caleb by the way." Caleb said.

"Millie. Nice to meet you. Are you a sophomore?"

"Nope, senior."

"Shouldn't you be hanging out with other seniors?" I asked. It's weird that I see a senior hanging out with sophomores, a junior, and a freshman.

"The other seniors are trash. I rather hang out with people who are younger than me." Caleb said.

"But don't you hang out with Chosen though?" Maddie asked.

"That's in class." Caleb responded.

"Same shit." Finn said.

The rest of lunch was just arguing about Caleb hanging out with this Chosen dude. So far, these people seem pretty cool. I never realized that Lilia and Maddie hang out with a bunch of guys. Now, I'm off to math and I am terrified. Can this day go to any slower?

a/n: i'm currently eating sum goldfish rn cause i'm COOL. i procrastinated on this chapter which is so gREAT. i have a question for anyone who's reading this. are you enjoying this story? cause ik i am surprisingly. next chapter is going to be a instagram chapter which i am excited about. -tatiana

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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