Bad Days

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Y/N 🐍:

Can you make a hot chocolate for when I get back


Extra marshmallows

Lixx 🦄:
Bad day?

You never ask for extra marshmallows otherwise

Y/N 🐍:
Really bad...

Lixx 🦄:
I'll make you hot chocolate

Nvm Chris is doing it

Y/N 🐍:
Lazy ass 😝

Lixx 🦄:
He volunteered!!!!!

Y/N 🐍:
You mean you begged him and he eventually gave in?

Lixx 🦄:

He wanted to help you

Now get home!!

You giggled, your mood lifted slightly by the conversation, put your phone back in your pocket and carried on home.

You returned home, greeted with hugs from both your Australian roommates.
"I left your hot chocolate on the side in the kitchen," Chan said, "If you want, we could all watch movies? Will that help?"
Felix smiled, "I'll pass on movies for today, Jisung's got something he wants to show me," he picked up his jacket, giving you another quick hug before rushing out the door, "I'll leave you two alone~"
You giggled weakly, "I don't know, Chan..."
"You know, bad days don't always get worse," It was like he read your mind; he knew you too well.
"Yes they do, they always do."
"No, they don't," he said softly, pulling you into yet another hug, "Let me make it better."
You sighed, "Okay."
"Good, now get your hot chocolate and we're watching movies. Madagascar?"
You nodded, giggling slightly.
"Now get that hot chocolate, and come over here," he smiled, flopping onto the sofa.
You picked up the cup of hot chocolate that had been left on the side, (now lukewarm rather than hot... oops) walking back over to the sofa and sitting next to Chan, who immediately started the movie.

At some point about halfway through, Chan had one arm over your shoulders, and, truth be told, he wasn't really paying attention to the movie at all. You were struggling to as well, seeing as you had a crush on Chan for almost the whole time the two of you (plus Felix) had lived together, and now he had his arm around you. You hoped he couldn't hear how fast your heart was beating.
Chan, on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at you, completely forgetting any concentration he had on the movie. Maybe this wasn't the right time to make a move? After all, you'd had a really stressful day. But that just might be what would cheer you up. After the movie finishes, he promised himself.

It got to the end, but before Chan could say anything, you had got up and walked over to the kitchen to make yourself another hot chocolate, (yes, another one... in your defense, it was a really bad day!) not realising that Chan had followed you until you felt strong arms around your waist.
"What do you want?" You giggled.
"A hot chocolate," He replied, "And maybe... if you want... a date?"
You froze, "What? As in friend date or an actual date date."
"An actual date," you could tell he was nervous from the tone of his voice, "I like you... a lot. It's okay if you don't want to I just thought-"
"Yes," you cut him off, turning around to throw your arms around his neck, "I like you too."
He pulled you closer and buried his face in your neck. You stayed like that for a few minutes before finally pulling away.
"Another movie?" He asked as you made a cup of hot chocolate for each of you, "We've probably got hours until Felix gets back."
"Please don't tell me you want to watch Happy Feet."
"So what if I do?" He argued playfully, "Could I tempt you into watching both movies?"
You hummed, "You'll have to persuade me..."
Chan smirked mischievously, and pulled you close to him. He gave you a short peck on the lips, you blushing as a result.
"Is that enough persuasion?"
"Uh... y-yes."
He grinned, picking up his hot chocolate and heading back to the sofa, gesturing for you to follow him. You sat next to him again, only this time you had your head on Chan's shoulder, cuddling. He was threading one hand through your hair, and you smiled to yourself when he kissed the top of your head.

Maybe bad days don't always get worse.


A/N: This was based on a dream (not smut this time though) where Aussie line and I were living together and (for some reason) I was really close to Chan (idk why I keep dreaming about Chan...)

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