1. Meet Tay

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What's up guys? Wellcome to interviewing author

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What's up guys? Wellcome to interviewing author.

Our first interviewee is Tay, from Utah, USA, who like baking, soccer, and love animals.

Let's get to know a little more of Animegirl4012

1. What is your favorite genre to write?

My favorite genre to write is fan fiction.

2. What is your favorite book on the face of the earth?

My favorite book(s) would have to be The Hunger Games series.

3 When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

About two years ago when my friend recommended Wattpad to me and I got into writing.

4. How long does it take you to write a book?

The longest time it's taken me to write a book is like a year and a half.

The longest time it's taken me to write a book is like a year and a half

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5. When did you write your first book and how old were you?

The first book I wrote was a LouisexLogan from Bobs Burgers, which I now deeply regret writing, I was about eleven when I wrote it. My grammar was really bad, too.

6. Does your family know you write? if so, what do they think about?

Yes they know I write. They encourage me to keep writing and are proud of the views I've gotten on my books.

7. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

Some of it is inspired by others and I then change everything and write my own story with everything going the way I want with all the twists. Take OHSHC for instance, there's so many of those books out there so I was inspired to write my own but made my own plot.

8. What's the most ridiculous fact you know?

The most ridiculous fact I know would be that even though Dire Wolves and Grey Wolves lived together in the Ice Age, Dire Wolve's skulls are way different than Grey Wolves. And, most Dire Wolf remains are in tar pits around the globe, most are in Europe though I believe.

And I'm Like

And I'm Like

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9. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?

There's this one girl, I'm not going to call her out or reveal her name for personal reasons, but she just thinks she's everything and that she's better than anyone who comes across her. The sad about that though was she was a really close friend of mine but we drifted apart because of those reasons. And, she also takes everything so seriously and acts like she knows every single fact in the world. I guess you would say she isn't humble whatsoever.

10. Do you have any pets? If so, what is the name?

Yes, I have three. A dog that is an Australian Shepherd nambed Bubbles, I got him when I was six. A cat that is a Himalayan and her name is Star, I've had her since I was two so she's like eleven years old now. And a bird that is a Green-Cheek Conure and his name is Sunny, I've had him now for two months and a half but he's two years old.

11. How many books/stories have you written? Which is your favourite?

I've written three books so far, one of them was a contest type of deal, and the one that is my most favorite is 'Another Hitachiin?'. It has the most views and I enjoyed writing it the most.

12. Send a small message to your readers.

A small message I have for my readers is, don't let others get you down. If someone spreads rumors about you that you know aren't true don't let it get to you, you know the truth. Always keep your head high and strong and brush off everyone else's negativity about you or someone else. Stay lovely and humble.

Thank you, Tay!

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Thank you, Tay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2019 ⏰

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