wHy do i gEt tAgGeD sO fUcKiN mUcHhH
HHhhhHhhHnNnnNnGggGtagged by NEONCATWRITES
1) Bisexual
2) Female
3) not quite
4) Start Line - 3Racha
5) brown w/ blonde highlights
6) Taurus
7) no one (im lonely)
8) dark red, black, blue
9) ramen and pizza
10) 62%
11) *korean celebrity crush* all of them (all the oppars)
12) ghost broccoli (aka cauliflower)
13) light brown- sometimes a little green- iss weird and gard to explain
14) 8 1/2 or 9
15) something i love and pays good. Cause whats the point of a job if you don't enjoy it.
16) 98linos