Chapter 13

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Noah's POV.

I groan, my head is killing me. I tried to move but I couldn't.

"Noah!" I hear a panicked voice scream. I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the blurriness. I look in front of me confused.

What the hell?

"Noah, please!" I hear again. I turn my head to the side to see Shay hanging upside down and struggling.

"Shay." I choke out confused.

"Noah!" she breathes in relief. "Kenzie is gone!" she cries.

What the hell?!

What happened?!

I remember laughing at something Kenzie said then Shay yelling. When I looked up at her, she was pointing. I turned my head then... bam! Did we get into a wreck? But how? These roads are always empty.

"Noah, please answer me!" she cries. I shake my head coming out of my confusion.

"What do you mean gone?" I ask stupidly.

"I mean, she's not here, Noah! I think someone took her!" she panics with tears. Took her? What? Why?

Focus Noah!

I start struggling to get out too but I'm stuck. The seatbelt is jammed. My leg is pinned between the steering wheel and door.

'Brighton' I yell through mind link.

'Yeah, man?' he answers. I look around to see where I am.

'Somewhere between Hollis and Mills road now!' I order, knowing I didn't need further explanation. I turn to look at Shay. "You okay?" I ask her.

"No, Noah, Kenzie is gone! I can't see her anywhere, I'm stuck and I think my leg is broken." she cries looking around panicked.

"Look at me, Shay!" I order grabbing her hand. She does. "Shit!" I hiss once I see her face. It's covered in blood and I can't tell where it's coming from.

"What?" she cries panicked. How she hasn't noticed yet, I don't know. In shock I guess. I've got to keep her calm.

"Nothing baby, just look at me. I've called for help. Someone should be here soon to help us then we will figure this out." I tell her. She nods crying.

This doesn't make sense.

For one; it's a deserted road. Two; the roads here have stop signs but this car was barreling at us.

Maybe I'm just confused.

"Noah, my head!" she cries lifting her hand up. I quickly grab her hand and stop her. If she sees that, she just might go completely into shock.

"I know baby, just stay calm, okay? They'll be here soon." I tell her. I'm trying to stay calm but I'm freaking out inside.

Why is Kenzie gone?

I try to move so I can look around. I look around as much as I can but see nothing. No Kenzie, no feet, no tires, no dust, no nothing.

How long was I out for?

"Noah!" I hear Brighton yell. Then I see feet. I knew we weren't that far away from the house.

'Get Shay out first but don't let her examine herself!' I tell him. If she does, she'll freak. "Shay, look at me." I tell her. "They are here but look at me. They will get you out first." I say. I didn't want her seeing whatever they were going to do. She might freak.

"Noah." I hear Hayden.

"Yeah?" I answer keeping eye contact with Shay.

"Are you guys okay?" he ask me.

"Yeah, fine. Kenzie is gone." I answer. 'My leg is stuck but I think it's fine.' I tell him through mind link. "Shay's leg is hurt." I say out loud. 'Her face is covered in blood' I tell him through mind link.

"Okay, Bright is getting Shay, I'll get you." he tells me. I just nod.

What felt like hours pass then we were finally out. Me sooner than Shay. Only because they just had to pry my door and cut my belt. It was Shay that was freaking me out.

She was literally stuck inside.

As soon as they got me free I stood up completely fine. How, I don't know. I just had cuts and bruises on me. I stood by with a towel I got from Brighton's car while they got Shay out. As soon as she was out, I jumped up making her close her eyes so I could wipe the blood off her face. I checked her for injures to find a gash on her head that would need stitches and her leg is broken.

"Kenzie!" she cries.

"I know, baby. Lets get you back to the pack house and I'll talk to dad." I tell her as I carry her to Brighton's car. We get in, heading towards the pack house.

Once there, I carry her in and straight to our little clinic. Where the doctor is waiting.

"I'll be back." I tell her as I sit her down. She nods still crying.

"Give her something to knock her out." I tell the doctor through mind link.

"Find her." she sobs. I nod and walk out.

I walk to dad's office, open the door, and walk in.

"Heard of knocking?" he grunts.

"Kenzie is gone." I say ignoring him.

"What?!" he yells standing up. "What do you mean gone?!" he growls at me. I sit down, sighing.

"We were just in a wreck. When I woke up the car was upside down and Kenzie was gone." I tell him. He growls pacing.

"Shaylee?" he asks me.

"Fine, a gash on her head and I'm pretty sure a broken leg." I answer.

"You?" he asks.

"Fine, just bruised." I tell him. He nods sighing.

"Kidnapped." he states. I nod in agreement. "Who?" he asks me. I shrug because I have no clue. We have no problems with any other packs around here. As a matter of fact, we are allies with them. Rouges. Well, they are not a problem around these parts. Hunters, well they just don't know about us mythical creatures and the hunters we do have just hunt small game.

So, I don't know who it could be.

I know I piss a lot of people off but not enough for them to kidnap a child?

Shay stays away from everyone, so I know she doesn't have any enemies.

So who in the hell could have done this?

He stops pacing and looks at me.

"Did you recognize any scents?" he asks me. I froze. Shit!

"I.. I wasn't paying attention." I stutter.

What the hell is wrong with me?

First; I forget to see if I can smell anything before we leave, I'm not sure how to handle this and now I'm stuttering.

This is not me at all.

I've always been good in stressful situations. I've never forgotten to do something that I know I needed to do. I've never been at a lose. I've always knew what to do. I've always kept my head. That's what makes me a fucking alpha. I've always been the calm level headed one.

Now look at me, I can't seem to think.

I should have smelled for scents, started a search, called everyone in as soon as I heard the word gone.

I fucked up.

Now, Mackenzie's gone and we probably won't find her.

And I have lost her. It's my fault she's gone.

This is why I didn't want a mate.

Or a kid.

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~Edited By: Callmelenaa~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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