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Chapter 1

Frank slowly lifted his head after waking up from what seemed like a painful nightmare. He slowly opened his eyes and quickly shut them again as the bright glare of the sun shining through the broken windows burned his vision. The rays bore through his eyelids, making his head erupt in a world of pain as nausea rolled through him like a freight train. He felt like he'd gone 8 rounds with Mike Tyson. Behind his right shoulder, he heard a dull muffled garbled sound but as much as he tried to look, his neck wouldn't cooperate. Instead, he looked down and saw he was sat on a hard wooden chair, a strong smell of urine invading his nose as he saw the wet patch on his crotch. He tried to swallow but his throat was dry and it burned.

"Ah, he returns to us" said a deep voice off to his left.

Frank opened his eyes again and squinted against the glare. He stared at his feet and blinked rapidly. He tried to stand but his wrists and ankles were tied to the arms and legs of the chair. Nausea hit him again like a tidal wave as he struggled against his knots. The muffled grunts from behind him increased in volume. The smell from his damp patch was making him feel sick so he raised his head and looked forward.

"Who's there?..." he tried to say, but it came out as a croak, his throat parched, dry and blocked by an obstruction.

He was in a big room. Empty apart from some broken furniture and bits of rubbish left behind by the last tenants. A soft breeze flew through the room from the smashed windows. From the looks of it, he was in some kind of deserted office and judging by the view outside, he must be at least 2 or 3 floors up. He tried to think of how he could've ended up here but his memory wouldn't cooperate. Wouldn't or couldn't? The muffled sounds behind him increased in intensity and as he was about to turn to see, a figure stepped in front of him, making him flinch. Dressed all in black, a muscular man stared down at Frank.

"Welcome back..." he drawled.

Frank tried to speak but the rag in his mouth stopped him.

"Here" said the man, reaching forward and plucking it from his mouth, "let me get that for you".

"Who...", Frank coughed and tried again, "who are you?".

"Me" said the man pointing to himself, "Frank, I'm your worst nightmare...".

Chapter 2

Frank found his strength and tried standing but forgot his arms and legs were strapped to the chair.

"Please, don't get up" said the man, sarcastically.

"What do you want" said Frank, a trace of fear in his voice. The muffled sounds behind him were getting louder.

"Payback Frank, payback".

"I don't know what you mean".

"Not yet, but you will".

Frank tried to fight against his binds but they were too tight.

"Please, I'll give you anything you want".

The man sneered at him. "Frank, what I want... you can't give me".

"How do you know my name?".

"I know everything about you...".

Frank tried to calm his breathing. "How did I get here?".

"Hmmm, let me see..." said the man, drumming his fingers against his lips. "I think this is what happened. You got into a taxi and told the driver to drop you off at the entrance outside. Then, you entered this building, climbed the stairs, walked into this room and by some miracle, managed to sit in that chair and tie yourself up". The guy shook his head in frustration. "Really Frank... how the fuck do you think you got here...?".

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