Pixel's Family

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Anonabro: I've always meant to ask, Bit.

Bit: Yɛə?

Anonabro: If Pix isn't related to you AT ALL by blood or ANYTHING REALLY, why does she live with you?

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: ?w?

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: ... ...?

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: ... ... Pix has no ˈlɪvɪŋ ˈrɛlətɪvs... ... not ˈɛnimoʊr.

Anonabro: What...? No LIVING relatives? Not possible.

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: Pix's parents ɪˈloʊpˈdɛ, they broke ɔl ties to their ˈfæməlis so she has no one to tɜrn to.

Bit: She's never told me the ɛnˈtaɪər story, but she used to have ˈpɛərənts AND an older ˈsɪstər.

Anonabro: --!!!

Anonabro: My anonymous brother, SHE HAD A SISTER?! Really? How much older was she? Did they play together a lot? What'd she look like? What hap--

Bit: IF you'd let me ˈfɪnɪʃ--

Anonabro: My anonymous brother, if you're going to tell this story, DO IT NORMALLY.

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: I thought you were all about FREE EXPRESSION?

Anonabro: Yeah, but sometimes I can't understand you.

Anonabro: =w="

Anonabro: ... Sorry.

Anonabro: It's just that I care DEEPLY for my anonymous brothers and sisters and I'd like to learn as much as I can about them; it's my own selfish desire, but if I can learn about you guys I feel as if I can HELP and COMFORT you--even if it's just a little.

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: ... Hahaha, you're still so naïve.

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: No, no. I didn't mean it like that. It's part of your charm my friend!

Bit: Now to continue this SAD TALE.

Bit: Pix HAD an older sister in addition to her parents. Her parents and MY parents were VERY CLOSE friends.

Anonabro: Weren't they TEACHERS or something together...?

Bit: Yes, her parents and my parents were and are--respectively--PROFESSORS.

Bit: At this very academy too.

Anonabro: Heh, yup!

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: >w>

Anonabro: Now onto this MYSTERIOUS SISTER of hers.

Bit: I swear, you seem to have fallen for a FACELESS dame. Or is it just the MYSTERY part?

Anonabro: You tell me.

Anonabro: =w=

Bit: Pix's sister was APPROXIMATELY 10 YEARS OLDER than her.

Anonabro: =o=

Bit: Sadly, at a young age she was diagnosed with MALIGNANT CANCER.

Anonabro: Oh!

Bit: By the time Pix was old enough to play with her sister her cancer had progressed so far that she was completley bedridden. Pix spent most of her time trying to make her sister better instead of playing with her.

Bit: Pix's parents were too wounded by the fact that their eldest child was dying right before their eyes and there was nothing they could to help her or even ease the pain. It's the reason why Pix didn't really understand what was going on back then and what would follow.

Anonabro: ... ... ... ...

Bit: ...? Are you okay...?

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: ;w;

Anonabro: ;w;

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... Dude. Stop crying, she's okay now, really.

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: This isn't going to get better anytime soon, is it?

Anonabro: ;w;

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: CONTINUING ON; from what I've collected--because this is where my information gets SKETCHY--Pix's sister died roughly SIX MONTHS LATER.

Anonabro: --!!!

Bit: NO.

Bit: MORE.


Anonabro: ~~~~~~! ~~~~~~! ~~~~~~! ~~~~~~! ~~~~~~! ~~~~~~!

Bit: Uuuugghh.

Bit: How does the TRINI-FORCE even DEAL with you?

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... ... ...

Bit: NO.

Bit: Remember how the news bulletin said two of the professors went missing?

Anonabro: ... ... Y-Y-Yeah...

Bit: Those professors were PIX'S PARENTS.

Anonabro: Wah--! B-But why...?

Bit: I don't know why ANY bastard would cause her any more TRAGEDY than she already has to bear!

Bit: I could never get Pix to talk much about this, and I don't BLAME HER for it. It's not something I would like to relive over and over...

Anonabro: ;w;

Bit: ... ... It was not ONE WEEK after the ANNIVERSARY of her sister's death too. Having her parents for those few precious years after the passing of her sister was such a miracle I can't even say.

Anonabro: Wha--!

Bit: That's not the MOST DISTURBING PART. Some people say they were MURDERED.

Anonabro: But... that's just SPECULATION, right...?

Bit: ... Not from what I gather. In fact, it's BANG ON.

Anonabro: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: Just what's... going on...?

Bit: I don't know, but I think it's leading up to GREATER EVENTS.

Anonabro: ... ... ... ...

Anonabro: ...!

Anonabro: Bit!

Bit: >?>

Anonabro: I just noticed now! You've never mentioned Pix's sister's name!

Bit: Oh. Right. Her name is DATA.

Anonabro: DATA...? Hmmmm... I swear I've heard that name before, somewhere...

Bit: <?<

Bit: Ah! Damn, the bell. Hurry up or you'll be late AGAIN!

Anonabro: Fuh?

Anonabro: OH SHIT! Wait up Bit!!

Anonabro: @x@

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