Mutant and Proud, Right?

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Mutant and proud at least that's what we were taught at mutant school we were supposed to learn how to control our powers and love ourselves at the same, but I can tell you at this very moment with Lucas I don't feel mutant and proud or love myself I feel ashamed and so not proud of what I am. I am a freak that's what I am that's definitely not something to be proud of not at all, one of the reasons I never told him what I was along with all the other problems that have already been discussed I didn't want him to look at me like I was some kind of freak and I know he swears that it wouldn't change the way he looks at me but I know it does no matter how many times he says it, I mean even my sister and my dad looked at me differently when they found out but at least my dad knew how to deal with it a little and wasn't as freaked as most would be when they saw there 6 year old daughter move a entire fridge with her mind just because she was mad that her dad wouldnt give her a cookie before dinner but anyways my mom was a mutant more normal mutant than me and her mom was also a mutant and of there we were no secrets between my parents because they were truly in love so my dad knew a thing or two about to handle a mutant daughter but he wasn't prepared to have to raise her on his own and of course my sister two but luckily she ended up normal which is interesting since we are twins as y'all already know and I would of thought we would of got the same exact genes not but she is so lucky not to be a freak and be able to go to a normal school and have friends and a boyfriend and not have the pressure of hiding the real you I have never been more jealous one person but I still love her so much and so proud of her too and I want to find her more than anything. Anyways look Lucas now you know my secret happy now? This isn't why I came here so you could find out all my secrets I came here to leave no stone unturned till I find my sister and who took her they will be sorry they even so much as looked at her, I didn't come here to start something new with you or to even get in a fight with you Lucas I just want to leave everything be and focus on why I am here okay and I need to start looking into everyone who saw her the day she went missing but now I am here with mister pay attention to me I was hurt so everything should be about me. Anyways I am going to start making calls and if you wanted to be useful you could help me make some calls and try to remember what she was going to do that day and so I can call the right people and know where to look or at least start, both you and my dad can help me with if she had any new friends or boys in her life anything weird that would indicate why she was taken. I just can't understand why this would happen everyone loved her and she was always fair and kind to everyone and it's just fair I should have been there for her and I was this probably wouldn't have happened at all it's my fault. Maybe Lucas is a little right about me maybe I am selfish for leaving my family and clearly right when they needed me and I hate my self for it, its all my fault she is missing and who knows who grabbed her could have thought it was me I mean we are twins and I am the one who had enemies I was the rebel the one who pissed everyone off and yet somehow I was the one who ended up with a boyfriend first and I have no clue how that happened I was the loner who was perfectly fine being by myself with no friends but everyone knowing who I was cause I was the most popular girls least popular sister, I guess I was just lucky when it came Lucas being in my life before him I wasn't interested in having any guy in my life that was always my sisters plan she was always flirting with the guys and getting dates and going to dances and all it took was the new kid walking into our school halfway through freshman year to change everything for me I still have no clue why he went for me all the girls thought he was hot and all the guys thought he was cool but he liked me, once we started dating I started doing new things and getting into clubs at our school and going out. He made me a new person a social person but I liked the person he was making me be, I even tried out to be a cheerleader and I actually got in I had everything I had a wonderful family who loved me and I loved me and amazing boyfriend who loved me and thought I was everything besides the fact that he never knew till now that I was a complete freak but apparently his feelings haven't changed, anyways so I go up to Hayley's room to go through her school stuff to find any friends that I could call to see if anyone knows anything about that day or she went of if she got in a car with someone anything that could help figure out where she could of possibly went and so I going through all her school stuff and I find a few friends to call but no one knows where she went and then I found a note in her math book and I was hoping that it would be some note from a boy or something but I was actually shocked when I read it, it said to meet at 3:30 in the back of 711 and it had the day of when she went missing this was the biggest lead and so I go to Lucas room the last thing I wanted to do but I needed to know if she had talked to him about it probably not but I needed to know. So I go knock on Lucas door with the letter in my hand and he thought it was my dad and he said come in all happy like but I knew his attitude was going to the second he saw me but this was too important so I walked in and of course his smile dropped and asked what, I said look we both don't like each other right now but this is important I found a letter in Hayley's math book it says meet me at 3:30 in the back of 711 which everyone knows who has lived here their whole life that it is super empty at that time which is super sketchy and I just wanted to know if she ever talked to you about a secret lover or bf or something or meeting doing drugs something to explain this note it is dated the day she went missing and I am getting this really weird feeling I mean I know she is missing but now we have a little bit of a lead but still don't know who this person is. So the next thing I did was go back to her room and decided to look at her social media and see if there is any mysterious person she was talking to online and so I get on to her computer but of course she has a password and I have no clue what it is so I try a few common passwords but it's not working so I try to think of things she liked still not working though, so I look around her room trying to get some ideas and the I look at the picture she has for her account on her computer and it was her favorite picture of us from a couple summers ago when we went to a Luke Bryan concert. Anyways I tried my name as her password and it actually worked I was kind if shocked actually, so after I got in looked at the last things she had there were definitely some clues there she had been looking up flights to Japan and Australia and then I started looking on her social media, first her Instagram and nothing to weird but there was someone who liked everyone of her pics and always commented on her photos and they don't have much of profile no pictures and a weird profile name, but I moved to Twitter and nothing she barely used it and then I checked snap chat honestly hoping to find something and I went through all the recent chats and I found something really weird and creepy name and I was honestly scared about what I was going to see next.

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