Masque and MJD

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MJD: Nnnn~~~~!

MJD: I wonder why school's so exhausting?

MJD: Oh? Is that you, Masque?

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: Hey Masque! Over here!

Masque: (...?)

MJD: So I see that the little hermitess has decided to join the rest of the world--

MJD: Hey! Ha ha ha!

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: No, but seriously, why are you here?

Masque: (I've come to pick up my work, and to drop off my completed work. Work that you'll never see a dumb person like you doing.)

MJD: Heh. Yeah, yeah. I'll do my homework one day.

MJD: Why have you stopped in the middle of the road? You know it's dangerous to do that so close to the end of the school day. People will trample you.

Masque: (Yes, I know that. Why are you not in class? Skipping again?)

MJD: Ha ha ha, NO WAY! I don't want to get bitch slapped by you again!

MJD: It hurts, and you slap with your fist.

MJD: owo

Masque: (... ... Then why are you going home so early? You don't seem sick or injured.)

MJD: For this semester I have two free periods backed onto each other at the end of the day. I believe that warrants me leave to go home, even in your books.

MJD: owo

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... ... So you're not doing anything in particular?)

MJD: Other than going home, nope.

Masque: (Good. That means that you'll be assisting me then. Take me to the school.)

MJD: What?! C'moooon Masque! I just got out--

MJD: ... ... ... ...

MJD: You can't see right now, can you?

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: You should've just said that in the first place, it's not like I wouldn't have figured it out anyway, like just now.

MJD: Here.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: ... ... ... ...

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: ... ... ... ...

MJD: You can navigate from here?

Masque: (Yes I can, you jackass; I just can't see outside right now.)

MJD: Hey, I'm not trying to start a fight. I'll be waiting outside near the doors so just call when you've finished.

Masque: (Hmph! I'll do what I want.)

MJD: owo

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... Excuse me miss, but do you know where room 2004 is?)

Female Student: Hm? It's right there in front of you. Are you blind or something?

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... I am. Thanks for shouting it to the whole world for me, that's exactly what I needed right now.)

Female Student: Oh... Um...

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... ... Ah, there's the door.)

Masque: (Put the done stuff in, take the new stuff out. Close the doo--)

Masque: (Ouch! Dammit... wrong way. This must be new because I don't remember it.)

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: Ready to go?

Masque: (Shut up and take me home.)

MJD: owo

MJD: Masque, is the snow falling completely straight down today?

Masque: (... Yes, it is. If it wasn't I wouldn't be asking for your help.)

MJD: Yeah, yeah.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (I really wish that those airheads would stop giggling and nattering about how we look, it's annoying. If their going to make an observation they should at least get it right.)

MJD: Oh? And what would "the right" observation be?

Masque: (A blind girl having her guide dog take her home.)

MJD: Ouch!

MJD: You live on the penthouse story, right?

Masque: (... ... Now you're just being idiotic. You've been here so many times; don't ask stupid questions that you already know the answer to.)

MJD: Penthouse it is!

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: Ouch! That's hurts, stop.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: Now what?

Masque: (I take a nap. You leave.)

MJD: Okay--Hey! Don't sleep on the couch!

Masque: (I'll do what I want.)

MJD: No, you'll go to your room if you want to sleep. Don't make me take you there.

Masque: (I. Do. What. Fucking. Ever. I. Want.)

Masque: (Now lea--)

Masque: (!!!)

Masque: (Put me down! Let go!)

MJD: There.

Masque: (Screw you! You're not my father!! Stop acting like you are!)

MJD: ... ... ... ...

MJD: ... Don't be that way Masque. Would you like me to sing for you?

MJD: To help you sleep.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: Just close your eyes, the sun is going down.

Masque: (>=l)

MJD: You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

MJD: ... ... ... ...

MJD: I'll be going now.

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... ... ...)

Masque: (... ... Wait.)

MJD: Hm?

Masque: (... ... Would you... keep singing? Your voice sounds kind of sounds like the guy who used to sometimes take care of me's voice.)

MJD: ... ... ... ...

MJD: ... It would be my pleasure.

Masque and MJDWhere stories live. Discover now