Spare Parts

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(Thomas POV) 

My friends and I had been busy riding around town when I realized that I wanted to get some extra parts for the new bike that I was working on so I led my friends over to the motorcycle shop and parked sloppily in the motorcycle spots. We walked into the store, crowding the small room before I rang the bell on the counter to get some service. A girl my age stepped out before the main man, Mr. (l/n) stepped out to help his frequent costumers. He was still cautious around us since we were rough looking guys, but I wouldn't rough up someone who is so helpful with my motorcycle building. He smiled and welcomed us, shaking my leather gloved hand. 

"What can I help you guys with today?" Mr. (l/n) asked. I looked around and smiled at him warmly. 

"Just wondering if you have any cool parts for a bike I'm building. Maybe a motor too since I was just planning to use an old motor from my old bikes." I said as I looked around. He laughed and told us to wait a moment before her returned with a new and shiny Harley Davidson motor. 

"Looks good. I know you only sell parts that you'd use in your own bikes, so I'll trust that this motor runs well?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. 

"You can trust me, as always, or you can have the safety of a receipt!" Mr. (l/n) said with a chuckle. I nodded and handed him the money and he handed me the receipt. We loaded it onto one of the bikes that had a rack and I looked around the store some more for some paints and designs I liked. 

"Need any help, fella?" a female voice said to me as I was bending down to look at the space blue paints. 

"I never need help." I said, not even looking up at the person. The female used her shoes to nudge my leg slightly before replying. 

"No matter how tough someone looks, everyone needs help sometimes!" she said as she continued to annoy me. I stood up and looked down at the girl since she was somewhat shorter than me. Suddenly, my anger and frustration with her was wiped away. She was gorgeous and  seemed so gentle and fragile.

"I don't generally need help, but a pretty girl's opinion would always be welcome, love." I said, my British accent dripping with charm. She blushed slightly as I smirked and she bent down in her short shorts and crop top before picking up a black paint that had tiny pieces of glitter so that it glistened in the sunlight and blended with the night sky. She smiled at me and held it out before blushing slightly. 

"This is my favorite paint because it looks light the night sky. It's dark and mysterious, but pretty and gentle as well. Just like- uh... nothing?" she said with a nervous expression. I wasn't sure what she was going to say, but I smirked and she blushed harder as I took the paint form her hands, grazing her dainty hands in the process. 

"I'll take it." I whispered. She nodded and rung the paint up before handing me the receipt. I looked at my friends who were watching the girl and I interact before an idea clicked in my head. 

"Hey. Wanna go to the coffee shop with just me? My friends will stay out of sight and it's just next door. You can ask your boss and tell him I'll make sure you're safe." I said with a wink. She blushed and nodded before walking into the next room. She came back and nodded before giggling. 

"You know that my 'boss' is actually my dad, right? I'm (y/n) (l/n)! Sound familiar?" she said as we walked out of the store and my friends drove off. I laughed and looked at her before we entered the coffee shop. 

"I didn't know that, haha. Anything in particular you want?" I asked, looking at the menu. She looked at the bakery section and smiled before cussing. 

"Shit! I forgot my wallet! I'll go get it!" (y/n) said. Before she could move an inch, I took her hand and kissed it. 

"It's my treat." I whispered before we stepped up to order. She looked at the (favorite desert) so I ordered it and I ordered a bagel. They served the bagel just the way I liked and handed (y/n) her desert so we sat down and ate, talking away and laughing as we chewed. We got some looks since I was the bad boy of the town, but we shook them off and enjoyed ourselves. 

"Wanna do this again sometime?" I asked (y/n). She blushed and nodded before giggling. I raised an eyebrow at her. 

"What so funny, love?" I asked her, smirking slightly. She giggled again and bit her lip slightly making me stare at her all lovey dovey-like. 

"How about~ Every time you come by the shop, we'll hang out afterwards?" (y/n) said with a giggle. I nodded and smirked, leaning back into my chair. 

"It's a deal!" I said with another smirk. She blushed and we both laughed before continuing to talk and laugh until the coffee shop closed for the night. 

Bad Boy (Thomas Brodie-Sangster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now