It was relaxing
The heat came from the small shower head in drops .It washed away every guilt and worry from their skin as they sat at the bottom of an off white tub. The heat glided over every part,every nook and cranny to burn away the days grind. In their mind it was silent but their was the noise of water drops and pressure that filled the air as much as the steam did. They we're deaf to the sound of it.After noon showers we're always different than morning showers.Showers in the morning we're rushed,stressful and straight to the point.comb you hair.wash you body.get out.Nothing more.The sound of pressure filled their ears instead of perceived silence.but no matter what leaving was always the hard part.
I really like to take showers.
some ideas im just gonna through out there
Short Storygo ahead and use these because as far as my determination goes these ideas aren't going anywhere with me.