A letter to the guy I almost fucked

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Hello it is me again, the girl you almost fucked
It's been a few months since the initial almost screw
I have seen you everyday and I wanted to be with you
But not anymore because I have my love
If we would have gotten together that night
... It would have made things rough
You were talking to other girls...
I knew I was never good enough for you
But I was still hoping to be different and be the one you chose
You chose her instead of me and that hurt
Now I'm happy and we are kind of friends
All I can think is wow all I have been, was a booty call
Yet I'm still depressed from what you did but I'm also happy
Now the voices taunt me everyday because of it
You have seen my scars and you got upset so I thought maybe you cared
I was so wrong... You still don't seem to care
But this is it this is my goodbye
I never should have trusted you

Sincerely, The girl you forever ruined

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