Good enough?

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Will I ever be good enough?

No the demons scream out

Never good enough

She will never love you

We are right they are wrong

The demons fight over and over

I scream out to stop

I start to agree

Not good enough

Never good enough

Daily this is what I say

The mirrors are covered

In order to continue living I must fight

The mirrors will be covered for a while

When it is time I will be mourned

The old me is slowly slipping away

I will never be able to stop running

I feel like I am dying

The mirrors will be uncovered after I die

When I am being remembered for who I was

Not for who I am today

Hopefully I will eventually be “normal”

When this day comes the demons will fade away

If this day doesn’t happen then the demons will greet me

With open arms saying we told you

You weren’t good enough

Now you might be

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