1// Partners

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     Mike woke up to the painfully familiar sound of his blaring alarm clock, slamming his hand down onto the 'stop' button with a groan before getting out of bed. The thought of even going to school nearly made him hurl. He hated almost everyone at school, and almost everyone hated him. He was a loser, a freak, nerd. All he has left are his friends: Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Jane Hopper, and Max Mayfield. He didn't necessarily view Max as a 'friend'. He only really ever bothered to hang out with her was because he hung out with Lucas, and Lucas is always with Max. So therefore, she was dragged along to all of the A.V. Club meetings, D&D games in Mike's basement, and walks along the train tracks. Mike doesn't hate her as much as he did, but Jane doesn't necessarily care too much for her either. Jane and Will have gotten a lot closer since Joyce and Hopper started dating. As a matter of fact, Will considers Jane to be his sister. He doesn't do a great job of protecting her necessarily, but they always have each other's backs.
   Mike threw on a striped sweater and jeans, slipping on his old-beaten up while tennis shoes. He walked into the bathroom and neatly styled his hair how he liked it, brushing his teeth and giving himself one more good look before grabbing his watch off the nightstand and putting it on, running downstairs. He quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbing two waffles that had been put in the toaster and were originally for his mother, "why are you leaving so early? School doesn't start for another thirty minutes, Micheal." Karen questioned, eyeing mike suspiciously. "I'm meeting up with my friends before school to go over a few quick things, we have a chemistry test today that's 40% of our grade and I don't wanna fail. I'll see you after school, mom!" He said quickly, running out the door, one waffle hanging from his mouth with he other in his hand which he was saving for Jane.
     Once he arrived at school, ten minutes early, he spotted Will and Jane  talking. He walked over, handing Jane her waffle and smiling at Will. "Hey, are you guys already started on your flash cards?" Mike asked, will nodded, "we figured we'd go ahead and start while we waited for you guys-" Will was cut off my an even more painfully-familiar voice. Troy Harrington. Troy hated mike, but never really had a valid reason. He just didn't like him. "Well, well, well. Look what we have here, frogface, zombie boy, and nose-bleed studying for a test...mind if I borrow those flash cards, froggy?" He teased, snatching the cards from their hands. "Come on, Troy, give it back!" Mike whined, teaching for the cards, but Troy backed up so mike couldn't get them. "Not so fast, Mikey, I think I might keep these. I don't want a bad grade either, you know." Troy smirked, waving the cards in front of their faces tauntingly. "Troy," Will reasoned, reaching out for the cards but also failed to grab them. Jane cringed, looking at mike as if to ask permission to snap his neck. Mike shook his head, looking back at Troy. "Fine, keep them. But you'll regret it." Troy smirked, "well, looks like Froggy's got an attitude. Say, tough guy, hows about you show me what I'll be regretting?" He leaned closer to mike, inches away from his face. Mike had never gotten a good look at Troy before. Was it weird to say he was slightly attractive? Mike had known he was bisexual since, like, sixth grade. So it never came as a surprise to have a crush on guys, but it was exceedingly weird to find your bully cute. Now, just because he had great looks doesn't mean mike liked him. No, absolutely not. He was rude, obnoxious, ignorant, and annoying. But also kind of cute. Mike cringed at the closeness of the two's faces, leaning back slightly. Troy eventually pulled away, tossing the flash cards to them. They scattered all over the damp school parking lot, a few landing in small puddles from when it had rained the day before. "See you later, faggots." Troy said, turning around and walking away smugly. "God, I hate that guy." Will said as he began to gather the cards along with Jane's help. "I agree. He's a mouthbreather." She said, eventually picking up all the cards. "Aw, they're all wet now.." Will said disappointedly, "It'll be fine, will. I'm sure you'll both do good on the test anyways. I think they're unlocking the school and letting kids in now anyways...ill see you guys later." Mike said softly, walking into school along with the crowd of other students.
     Mike walked to his locker, which was inconveniently right next to Troy's locker, and began gathering his textbooks for science. He eventually closed his locker, ignoring he stare he was getting from Troy. He shoved Troy aside, walking to science, and with his luck, Troy began to follow him. They had the same classes. Almost every class was torture because he was forced to have it along with Troy Harrington.
     Mike sat in the very back, Troy seated directly in front of him. They began opening their textbooks as the teacher began to call out pairs for the group science projects that would be 20% of their final science grade. "Alissa Baker and Caleb Brookner, Sabrina Harris and Lily Brown, Mike Wheeler and Troy Harrington," Mike froze. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped slightly. He could practically feel the smirk on Troy's face, mike scowled, groaning and banging his head down on the desk.

Bully// Mike Wheeler X Troy Harrington✔️Where stories live. Discover now