Movie ~ 🖤/❤️

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⚠️TW : contains slightly graphic content and suicidal themes!⚠️

Kirishima had always been the bubbly dude. The person on the side, helping everyone through with their problems.

Bakugou was his best friend - and although perhaps the latter didn't see it that way, Kirishima certainly did.

"Aye! Shitty hair!" Bakugou yelled, stomping over. Kirishima looked up, not even the slightest bit intimidated.

"I have a NAME, Bakugou-"

Before he'd hardly finished, Bakugou stuffed a few tickets in Kirishima's face. "We're going to a movie tonight with everyone. Get your shit."

Kirishima gave his friend a small smile. "Alrighty, dude. See ya later!"

Bakugou shoved away the tinge of affection that the redhead's smile brought, making a 'tch' sound and stomping off. "Bring snacks!" The blonde yelled over his shoulder.

Kirishima laughed softly, going back to his house. As soon as he entered, his smile dropped.

"I'm going to mess up so bad. Maybe Bakugou will- no. No one would want to go out with me. I'm just the bubbly side dude," He mumbles to himself, sighing. His crimson eyes slowly travelled to the pictures on the wall of his mother and father - they were out on a business trip. They'd be so disappointed in him, for what he felt. They had always made jokes about him coming home with a girl.

But he didn't want a girl.

He wanted Katsuki - fucking -Bakugou. But Kirishima knew he'd never get him.

The redhead sighed and slowly trudged to his room, pushing the door open. The neglected hinges gave a squeak of protest, the teenager sighing once more and making a mental note to oil them.

He wondered idly if they would care if he didn't go. Mina would probably march over here and drag him by the hair.

Kirishima sighed softly, eyes wandering over to the pocket knife on his bedside table. Oh well, a cut or two never hurt anyone...


Before Kirishima knew it, blood was running down his elbow as he drew the knife repeatedly across his skin. Of course, he didn't activate his quirk - it would just add onto the work load. The crimson liquid splattered onto the floor, the redhead sniffling softly. "I'm sorry," He mumbled to no one in particular. His eyes were lidded with sadness, mind on Bakugou. The blonde would never love him as much as Kirishima loved him. Kirishima was boring and plain, even with the exuberant hair.

He slid the blade back onto the dresser and stood up, wiping his eyes. He stared at the dark droplets running down his skin, before grunting and walking into the bathroom to clean up.

- ⏰ -

Kirishima pranced towards the theatre, his grin as bright as ever. His arms were tightly bandaged, the redhead feeling the sting as he swung his arms. His friends were waiting for him - and it hurt to see the couples. The duel-haired boy known as Shoto Todoroki had the smaller boy, Izuku Midoryia, in his arms, cradling him close to his chest. Midoryia's eyes were shining brightly as he gazed lovingly up at the taller boy. Kirishima swore he saw an affectionate smile on Todoroki's face. Only Midoriya could do that.

Kaminari and Sero, the two biggest idiots of the class, were fist bumping and cheering. They'd always had a more casual friendship, often cuddling or having sleepovers but never really acting like a proper couple. Nobody was sure if they were in a romantic relationship or not. They certainly weren't going to confirm it any time soon, but Kirishima put his money on yes, they were dating.

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