Uchiha Sasuke

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I've decided to put all of my short stories for Naruto into one place. It will have Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Akatsuki shippings. Settings will be usually canon, maybe AU once in a while. Other than that, requests are welcome. With that being said, here goes the first story, and enjoy!



~ "Hah!" I yelled as I threw several kunai at the three training dummies before me. Most of them hit the bullseye stitched onto the dummies, but two had strayed from its target b three to four inches. I growled; not enough. I looked up at the sky. It was wintertime, so little snowflakes were falling. I closed my eyes, sighing as I felt the snow touch and melt against my face. Then, I heard my older brother's wretched voice in my ear.

~ "You're still too weak. You don't have enough hate. And guess what? You never will..."

~ It's been two months since I woke up from that coma from the humiliating battle with Itachi. Everyday, that haunting voice becomes louder and more provoking. My fists tightened. That murdering bastard was right, as much as I hate to admit it. My hate wasn't strong enough... not yet. But soon, I'll be stronger than him and finally avenge my family and my clan.

~ I looked at my watch - it was getting late. Tme to call it a day. I was about to leave the forest, when I heard a yell. Curious, I began jumping from tree to tree, searching for the source. After ten minutes, I finally found it.

~ It was a girl with short, blue and black hair with sea green eyes, who was probably about my age. She seemed to be injured as she was holding her leg and grimacing. She turned her head and saw a large, dead branch, half-buried in the snow. Then, she grabbed it and attempted to stand, using it like a cane. Didn't work. The branch snapped and the girl yelped as she went back face-first into the snow. "Motherfuh-mmph!!"

~ I rolled my eyes; she doesn't seem very strong. I stayed behind the bushes, contemplating on whether or not to help her. After a moment, I decided to go with it. I walked out of the bushes, asking, "Need help?"

~ She glanced at me, then back to her leg, answering, "No, I got it. Thanks anyway; bye now."

~ Raising an eyebrow, I retorted, "Says the one who fell from a snapping tree branch. Which, by the way, was dead."

~ Her eyes went wide, and she squeaked, "You saw that?!" She slapped her forehead. "Aw, man! Did you see me get injured?"

~ I answered no, and she sighed in relief. "Good; I don't feel completely embarrassed." She then gazed at me as if I was suspicious. "Wait a sec... if you saw me struggling, then why didn't you come help me?"

~ "It was somewhat amusing." I replied with a shrug. The girl gave me this 'you're a jerk' face and said, "Well, you came to watch me up close or somethin'?"

~ "No, I came to help."

~ "Well, I don't need your help. Go away." With another roll of my eyes, I wordlessly picked up the girl up and slung her over my shoulder. She yelped, "Ack! What the hell?! Is this how you treat damsels in distress?!"

~ I scoffed. "You, a damsel in distress? Hardly."

~ "Then why did you help in the first place?"

~ "Because it got boring."

~ "Well, I'm so sorry that me getting a mouthful of snow wasn't entertaining enough for you."

~ Yet another eye-roll. "Where is your house?"

~ "Up your ass and around the corner."

~ "Very funny."

~ "Freakin' hilarious."

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