Chapter 11- Build a Bridge and Get Over It

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We end up pulling over on the side of the road for a lunch break, everyone tired and skittish from last nights adventures. 

Dad opens the tailgate of the Ute, digging through boxes to find today's lunch. He grabs an old scruffy blanket that he was using to cover the supplies and lays it down on the tailgate.

"Cafe's open, it's lunch time!" He announces, 

Sabrina races out to dad and sits on the tailgate, "I get first dibs!" She calls out, 

I roll my eyes, she better not take the good branded baked beans. 

When I get around the back Sabrina has already scoffed her baked beans, (the good brand of course) and is onto her dessert. The disgusting canned fudge that grandma used to love, for some weird reason. 

I jump up onto the tailgate next to her, grabbing a plastic spoon from the box behind me. 

"So," I dump a spoonful of beans into my mouth, "How much longer until we get to nana and pa's house?" 

"We're almost halfway there, so if all goes well we should be there in about..." He checks his watch, "Three or so hours." 

"Cool." She licks her spoon clean and shoves it in the used can, hopping down from the tailgate and walking off towards the grassy patch next to the car. 

Dad jumps up onto the tailgate next to me, making the car wobble as he does. He grabs two cans of beans, one can the good stuff.

"Wanna share half a can?" He asks, holding out the good branded beans, 

"Yeah, thanks." I smile, as he pours slightly more than half of the beans into my empty can.

We eat our beans in silence, taking a moment to enjoy the sun on our faces. 

"Sabrina's awfully chipper today." I comment, "Complete 180 from last night."

"It'a her coping mechanism, she doesn't want you to be worried about her." Dad explains,

"But I'm her big sister, it's my job to look out for her and make sure she's' okay." I sigh,

"She'll come around, but right now," He points to further down the road, "we should probably deal with them." 

I look to where he's pointing, Darren already has his axe out and walking towards them.

"I'll be right back..." I mumble, "Sabrina, get in the car please."

I hear a slightly annoyed "Alright..." from her as the car door closes.

"I'll come." Dad picks up his machete from the front seat on the way to the zombies.

We jog to catch up to Darren, passing uncle Will as he packs up his car. 

I get my sword ready to slice through a couple of skulls, actually looking forward to being able to watch their heads fall off. 

Darren swings his axe into the first zombie that walks up to us, then leaping forward and severing another two zombies. 

My sword gleams in the sunlight, where the blood isn't covering the blade anyway, then finds it's way into a zombie chest. I heave it out with a grunt, then skewer it into the zombies head. 

The zombie slowly falls to the ground, but the next zombie takes me by surprise, quicker than I had anticipated it to attack. 

I swing my sword around to try and maim the zombie, to at least slow it down, but I miss and just waste my breath trying to get out of its reach. It reaches forward, grabbing at my shirt. I stumble back trying to regain my balance, but it's next few steps are fast, making me trip over. 

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