The story

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Ola, my name is Coutinho and this is my story from my first time with my friend Firmino.

I was just returning from the gym when I met one of my former colleagues from Liverpool, Firmino. We had some games together and often slept in the same room when we went on a trip. I had been attracted to him since I laid eyes on his shy smile and bright eyes, but he always gave contradictory signals. Because of that, I have never acted accordingly. There was a flirtation I assumed was right on my side.

The other day was different. He was crossing the street and we literally ran into each other. I knew it was him the moment I saw his face. I will never forget her beautiful green eyes.

"Hey!" he said. "It's been a long time, we haven't seen each other." After a quick and clumsy dance to get away from a few cars, we decided to go to a local "café" the next day.

I wouldn't call it an appointment, but I decided to dress for it anyway: my best butt jeans, the shirt that best showed my arms, and a jacket that really made my eyes stand out.

"I have to say," I remember him saying. "I never thought this day would come. I thought I lost my chance when I was in Liverpool."

I told him how attracted I was to him - again - and asked him what was going on in his head. I always knew I was bisexual since I was a child.

"You were the light at the end of my tunnel," he said. "I saw you and your life and, deep down, I knew you were who I wanted to be." He then stopped. I remember because I remember him clenching his teeth. His jaw looked like it could cut the glass. I wanted to run my fingers over it. "I wanted to be with you."

We chatted for a few hours and decided to switch from coffee to drinks after being kicked out by the baristas during closing time.

It was nice to relax with a couple of cosmos and a greyhound after the hell of a week of deadlines I had just experienced. Looking back last night, I probably did a little too much relaxation, but I'm not going to complain about the results. When I have one cosmos too many in me, who knows what I'll end up doing. Or sometimes, who...

We left the club and fell into a taxi around midnight. I wanted to stay longer, but Firmino wanted to go and he did a wonderful job of convincing me. Of course, his tongue and fingers were the most convincing. He took my hand in his and pulled me out. We were warm and heavy in the driveway but it was so cold that I offered my place - which wasn't too far anyway.

After staggering out of the cabin and entering through the apartment doors, he finally fell back onto my couch. We both took deep breaths. I saw his chest rise and fall as he tried to catch his breath. I took him to my room, holding him gently by the hand with mine.

When we arrived, he pushed me on the bed, allowing me to have a wonderful view of him while shrugging his shirt shoulders. He was a quiet child in Liverpool - shy and caring - that's why I was so surprised to see the dragon tattoo surrounding his waist. The head was sitting just below her belly button and wrapped around her body, the tail moving forward. The tip was sitting above her pelvic bone. The green, black and red ink burst against her smooth, tanned skin. I slipped my index finger into his belt buckle and pulled it towards me. I pulled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and slid the zipper down. I felt the anticipation rise in me as the tongue lowered, descending against each of the teeth. His pants fell to the ground, the buckle made a thumping sound on the hardwood floor. I pulled down his shorts, my fingers grazing his firm cheeks. I sat down to see him in all his glory. He undressed at his feet.

Roberto didn't speak. With anyone else, the silence could have been uncomfortable, but I was just waiting impatiently for the white noise to be broken by the sounds of our moans and the rhythmic movements of the bed. I waved to him to come to me and he answered me with a silent smile. Her eyes sparkled with excitement.

He grabbed my shorts and grabbed me, rubbing my limb with firm brushstrokes. My mouth opened and my head tilted back. With his other hand, he pushed me on the bed. I tried to mute the sound coming from my throat. The initial moaning turned into a moaning that filled the room. Mes ye

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