Chapter 4.5

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        A/N: This is 4.5, because it's a continuation of the previous chapter. It will be a short one, but another chapter will soon follow! Hope you enjoy! ;D


        I finally catch my breath and stand up straight, watching the little theif run off until he's out of my sight. "Why even bother stealing my pack if you're just going to drop it right here?" I grumpliy mumble. So much for having a good day.. 

        The next thing I know I'm on my hands and knees with a throbbing headache. I groan. "W-what...just happened?" I slowly stand up, a bit dazed and dizzy. I turn around and come face to face with DJ and a few of his buddies. "I can't believe he actually followed!" DJ said, with an evil smirk on his face. His friends snickered behind him. 

"It's time for pay back." He says, cracking his knuckles.

        Whatever he hit me with must have been pretty hard, because my reaction time has slowed down. He punched me square in the face and I was too slow to dodge it. I stumbled back a few steps, hands covering face. DJ's buddies start laughing, along with DJ himself. I stand up straight and wipe the blood that was dripping down my nose. I glared at him. 

        My fingers curled in to makes fists and I ran at DJ and threw a punch, but he dodge and I started to fall forward. He kneed me in the stomach.. HARD. I fell to the ground, hand on stomach and dry heaved. I hadn't really eaten much today, so there was nothing in my stomach to bring up. I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw how close DJ was standing to me. So, I quickly kicked out my leg and kicked him in the knee, causing him to fall to the ground. I jumped up and started kicking him in the sides.

"Why. Won't. You. Leave. Me. ALONE!!" I yelled in-between kicks through clenched teeth.

        His boneheaded friends finally decided that it isn't a good thing that I'm beating up DJ instead of the other way around (Him beating me up), so one of them ran up and punched me in the face, again. I stumbled back again, almost losing my balance and run into of of his buddies. This gives DJ enough time to drag himself up.

        The guy I ran into held my arms, so I could get away. I tried to shake him off, but his grip just got tighter. Everyone at once ganged-up on me and started to attack. Kicking and punching and all that. I was kicking my legs out to keep them away, but it didn't really help in my case. At some point I was dropped on the ground and everyone started kicking me. I tried my best to curl up into a ball and cover my head with my hands, but they just kept kicking non-stop.

        Finally, when I didn't think they'd ever stop, the began to leave. One of them kicked me hard, one last time before following the group to wherever they go. I just layed there, not caring about the time, or that it was getting dark. I was in to much pain to move. I was bleeding. Probably internally too. I could feel blood coming from a cut on my head, my ribs hurt when I too a shaky breath, and my insides felt like mush. 

        'The ground feels so soft..' I thought to myself. 'I'm just going to... I'll just sleep here tonight. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea'

        That was the last thing on my mind before I fell unconscious. 


A/N: Yay!! More cliffhangers!!! >:D Don't you just love those?! I know this one is a bit short, but I'll still be working on the next chapter! I'm pretty bored at my apartment so the next update might come soon. Until then! Vote and leave a comment!! <3


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