viii. sorry, big bro

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uwu im honoured 200 reads 😔 ily 👉🏻👈🏻

"i'm home! i can confirm, i am in fact alive!" jungkook called out, kicking his shoes off before entering his abode and chucking his backpack on the floor.

"bag," his mother's stern voice sounded from the living room.

"shit," he cursed under his breath. "yeah, sorry mum." he quickly lifted the carrier up and swung it over his shoulder, holding the two sneakers and walking past behind the couch. he leaned over and kissed the top of his mother's head, his lips met with soft ebony silk.

"how was school? and study group?" she asked, her voice monotone, non caring.

"yeah, good. hey have you seen yoongi? he said he wants to show me some beats."

"upstairs, i hear angry yells so i assume it's him." her eyes didn't tear away from the tv screen.

"thanks, mum." jungkook turned around, walking towards the stairs and dropping his bag and sneakers at the foot of it, on the official stand for such things. he hurriedly stormed up the stairs, then uncomfortably stopped halfway. he'd had to shove his and taehyung's dicks back into their boxers at the sound of knocking from the closet door. they had then opened it to see a frustrated looking janitor, whom taehyung addressed as sue kin. they'd bowed mistakenly and gone their separate ways.

so that was what caused jungkook to pause mid-step to sort the positioning of his member in his boxer pants.

his mother was right: once he'd made his way to the top landing, a frustrated groan came from the chosen shut wood at the end of the corridor of doors. jungkook frowned and made his way over, rattling his knuckles repeatedly on the surface.

"please don't tell me you're jerking off. last time this happened i couldn't eat yoghurt for a month, you know."

the door flung open inwards and jungkook sniggered at min yoongi, who was staring at him, unamused. he swiveled in his desk chair as jungkook entered the room, closing the door and taking refuge to his designated seat on the crappy wooden chair next to the computer.

"so whatcha got for me?"

"oh," yoongi said, eyebrows raised as he visually ignored jungkook's existence. "what a great beat, yoongs. no, really, i rushed right over as soon as i heard!"

jungkook rolled his eyes, about to speak, but the man continued.

"yes, really! i even cut a few red lights, mmhm! i even sucked a guy's dick so he'd let me past him in the traffic jam-"

"okay, okay i get it." jungkook awkwardly said, shuffling about at the mention of blowjobs. "i'm sorry i didn't come sooner. i had study group."

he hated lying to yoongi, he despised it.

the wannabe producer didn't spare the boy a glance, and instead sniffling with a rhittinis infection.

"hey, picked you up some cough sweets." jungkook passed the man a packet he dug from his jacket.

"i don't want sweets, i want a fucking smoke." he grumbled, eyes locked to the screen and fingers typing away as he labelled some track.

"yeah, but you and i both know that won't happen with mum in the house. she thinks you're quitting. if you're not actually doing so, you should at least try to make it seem realistic."

yoongi's fingers stopped their movements and he sighed deeply, reaching out to take a sweet from his brother's hand. they finally made eye contact.

"fucking thanks," he snapped, plopping the sweet in between his teeth and suckling.

"so, let's hear it." jungkook said eagerly.

yoongi nodded and tapped the space key before sitting back and allowing the music to play: a bluesy piano piece that yoongi later explained had a different sort of vibe than usual r&b, created using various chromaticism and augmented sixths. jungkook couldn't care less for the technical terms, he only listened and waited for the magic to happen.

it didn't.

"well, fuck." yoongi muttered as he slumped back; he appeared defeated. "it was fucking amazing, like, two hours ago."

"i don't know maybe-"

"maybe if you had been here then you could've helped me out. kook, this was amazing, this was gonna be it. what the hell, man?"

"i'm really so, so sorry, hyung." jungkook bowed his head low.

there was a moment's quiet, and yoongi studied the youngster.

"i get it." he muttered. "you don't wanna tell me. i know you're not at fucking study group, man. i asked jimin. he's a good student who genuinely does go to where he says he is."

"why do you care what he says, hyung? thought you said park jimin was a slut."

"he's a slut, but he's my slut." yoongi muttered, shaking his head at the absurdity of his own words. "he wouldn't lie to me, he can't. 's not in his nature."

"so? why's it matter where i-"

"i don't wanna know, jungkook. you don't have to tell me. i just want to know you're at least safe, and that you're not... getting in with the wrong crowd."


"okay, i sound like mum." he raised his hands defensively. "sue me, i'm worried. after last year, how can we be certain you're being your total and utter self."

if only i could just tell you. you'd see. you'd think i was lame, hyung... but i just can't.

"it doesn't matter." jungkook shrugged. slumping back in his chair. "so if the beat's ruined, we start again? or can you possibly erase some of the reverb or, i don't know, change the type of snare?"

yoongi sighed, rolling his eyes at the younger's pathetic topic change, but followed suit.

after all, even if he was hiding something, yoongi knew jungkook.

yoongi knew jungkook would never change, not even when dealing with grief, like he was right now.


have a good day!! x

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