The whispers

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Jordan couldn't sleep all night..he passed it off as it was a new place..but truthfully...he could still those voices in his head...he went on his phone and searched on Instagram...he sighed upon seeing his girlfriends post...she posted a picture of her kissing another guy saying "haha jokes on you Jordy" he sighed and got up as he went downstairs , he went for a drink...he felt as if he was being watched...he made one then turned to see a man with long black hair and dark brown eyes..."you" the man said in the same cold wispy voice as the whispers...Jordan dropped his drink smashing the glass...this woke melanie , the principal and Conner... they all ran down , Jordan stood there in shock...Melanie ran over in her light blue nightgown..."Jordan?" She said before noticing the glass , Conner looked through the doorway "you alright mate?" Jordan didn't answer, the principal walked in "what happened?" He said looking at Jordan, Jordan's lips stuttered "I...I don't know..I was making a drink..and then I turned saw this guy..." Melanie looked at the principal, "what did he look like " the principal responded...jordan shivered "black eyes..." even with this little description the principal knew exactly who he was talking about , Melanie cleaned the glass and mess, jordan slid down the cupboard and on the cold tile floor, Melanie sat down next to him stroking his hand...even though Jordan didn't like physical contact he let her... the principal walked over "did he say anything ?" He said leaning down , jordan looked up "one you" he said a bit sad..."I-I've been hearing him since I came my head " he said holding his head, as he heard him again 'they don't like you..they'll kill you..." Jordan winced as he heard the piercing voice...the principal ordered Connor to go get the pendant from the principals drawer , Connor ran there and got it , he ran back down with it , the principal handed it to him

the principal ordered Connor to go get the pendant from the principals drawer , Connor ran there and got it , he ran back down with it , the principal handed it to him

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"put it on..." Jordan slowly did so and the voices stopped , "thank you..." he said before putting his head down still a bit shocked..Melanie still stroked his hand "tell you about tonight we just sit down here huh?" She said with an optimistic smile...Jordan turned and faked a smile before nodding , Melanie smiled and held his hand "come on then Jordy.." she said tryin to be happy..he followed her to the living room..."we'll just watch tv down here ok?" She said still with a smile , he nodded and sat down as Connor went and got his bed sheets and brought them down for them , the principal watched them , Connor smiled "I'll stay down here too..keep an eye on him" he chuckled, Melanie smiled and sat down next to Jordan and pulled the quilt over them as they turned on the tv , the principal smiled "ok then...I'll go back up..." he said before walking back upstairs eventually Connor fell asleep and Melanie and Jordan soon after ,

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