Chapter two

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"Mom, what the fuck do you mean you're getting married with that random man," I said exasperated and confused.

"One, calm down and two, he is not a random man. I've known him for a long time, I've just never introduced you two," she said trying to calm me down.

She continued talking, "Y/N I know this can be kind of hard for you, but it's time to move on, I'm not staying alone forever. Me and Edward are eventually gonna get married,"

I was so angry for some reason and I didn't even know why. Shouldn't I be happy for my mom that she finally found someone who made her happy. I wasn't though I was angry as fuck.

"You know what mom, it doesn't  fucking matter anyways because I'm 19 and I'm eventually gonna move out to my own apartment," I said with anger.

"Whatever you say honey, but I'm still getting married with Edward no matter what. He makes me happy and is actually a really good guy." She said.

I ignored her and just went straight to my room.

I didn't understand why I was so mad, maybe it was because I still had the memory of my mom and dad. Shouldn't I be mature enough to handle this since I'm already fucking nineteen years old. Shouldn't I be used to my dad missing. The truth was that I wasn't, I still loved my dad, and I missed him so much. I never told anyone though. Because I fucking hate talking about my feelings. That shit sure traumatized me.
Classes were fucking boring, as usual. My psychology class was really dead today for some reason. I couldn't stop thinking about what my mom said last night. I still couldn't believe she was getting married with another man, to be honest I'm kinda getting over it.

It's not the end of the fucking world. If she's happy I should be happy for her. I'm old enough to understand her and understand that my mom and my dad have been over a fucking while ago.

My class ended and I went straight home. Thank God psychology was my only class today. My mom wasn't working today, so I was expecting her at home. I feel really bad about how I spoke to her last night. I was just so mad and angry I couldn't control myself. I was planning on apologizing when I get home.

I opened the door and found my mom cooking.
"Hey mom," I said

"Hey sweetie, how was your class?"she asked

"It was alright," I replied, not really wanting to talk about school right now.

"Hey mom, I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry about last night. I had no right to talk to you like that. If that's what you want mom then I'm happy for you, kind of I guess." I told her honestly.

She smiled at me, "it's ok honey, I understand that you felt a little uncomfortable when you found out, don't worry about it," she said and kissed my cheek.

She started talking again, "Oh yeah honey, i have something to tell you. Edward's daughter came to visit him, since they haven't really seen each other in a long time. Me and Edward we're thinking that maybe we could invite his daughter over to our house so they both can spend the weekend with us, like a nice family. Oh and also Edward's daughter might bring a friend," she told me

I couldn't fucking believe it, why the fuck was my mom gonna bring random ass strangers to our house so they can stay the weekend here? What the hell, I'm certainly not gonna enjoy this shit.

"Mom, seriously?" I asked her hoping my annoyed face convinced her to not invite them.

"Honey they'll be coming tomorrow morning, and I hope you have manners and respect them. I don't want you to have that attitude you always have," she said glaring at me.

"Why can't he and his daughter just stay in his own house, why do they have to stay here in OUR house," I was getting so impatient.

"Because Edward wants to introduce his daughter to us, considering we're gonna be getting married in a month or so," She said

I just rolled my eyes and went straight to my room. I was literally downstairs a couple minutes ago apologizing about
what I did yesterday, and then she comes and tells me this shit.

I definitely don't want Edward or his daughter to stay at my house for a fucking whole weekend. That's doesn't even make any sense.

I had to clear my mind. I've been so stressed lately, which is really bad because I have finals coming up. There was only one way to fix this. I know I shouldn't but who's gonna fucking stop me. I stood up to go pick up the lighter. Minutes passed and I swear I was fucking flying.
I woke up from the longest sleep ever, holy shit. It was 6 am and I remember falling asleep like at 7 pm yesterday, shit I slept like more than ten hours.

As I was going downstairs I remembered what had happened yesterday. Thank God my mom was at work today, the whole house reeks of fucking weed.

I decided to go for a run since it was Friday and I had no class today. Later today my mom and her "boyfriend" and his daughter were coming over for dinner today. I was not looking forward to this. I would call Vanessa right now to hang out but she's not here and I fucking miss her already.

I jogged for like 40 minutes, then I headed back home. I was getting so anxious about the dinner thing and them staying over for the weekend, I told my mom that I'd go somewhere else while they have their dinner. But my mom being my mom, she's forcing me to be there with them.

This is not gonna be a good night.

Hi guys
So just finished my second chapter
Sooooo what do you guys think?

Y/N's mom is getting married with Ariana's dad Edward Butera, kinda weird but it's something different I thought of
Slow right now but it'll get better, I know I keep saying this but it's the truth. Got a lot in mind for this story.

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