Red would wake up, and look out the window. it looked like it was snowing, but he knew better then to think that. The world was much more dangerous then some of the others that where new here expected.. he sighed, he wanted to go back to sleep, but he couldn't, his boss yelled at him to wake up "SANS WAKE UP YOU LAZY BONES!" he narrowed his eyes and grabbed his blanket and hid under it "fuck off boss.. now ain't the time"papyrus barged into the room and looked at red, seeing him under the blanket, he yanked it off! not something red wasn't used too. he gasped and grabbed his jacket quickly to cover his top region, weird huh? not really. pap looked at him, they both knew what he was about to ask, but he didn't have to ask at looked to the side and started to sweat "n-no b-boss.. i'm fine.. heh.. don;t worry about it.." papyrus looked at him and raised his eyebrow (or what would be one if he had any) red was shaking, papyrus knew he did something , and yanked his jacket, his arms were all red, more then usual. he sighed "why d you do this sans.. you know i need you,even if i am a bit harsh from time to time.." red was shaking and trying not to cry, his brother could tell, but said nothing"sans.. we have to go check up on the others, it's not easy to adapt here, you of all people know that, come on, i'll try to go easy on you today, alright?" red nodded "don;t gimme special treatment boss.. i ain't need no one thinking i'm some depressed pussy or nothing" papyrus chuckled softly "alright sans.. just.. let me know if i'm being to harsh today.. alright? i know you've been worried about the other sans, but i can tell you he's going to be alright, everyone will be fine, there strong, and so are you, now, let's go" red couldn't help but blush at this not in a romantic way, but as a kind of "stop being so nice you asshole" kind of way. red didn't really know how to react when he was given special treatment just for being depressed, he hated it, hence why he always hid himself when he couldn't deal with it anymore. he got up, he didn't want to but he knew he had to. any excuse to see sans was a good enough one to wake up, he thought.he slipped into his shoes, then his shorts and the rest of his clothes. he looked at his collar.. and smiled a bit, then put it on. sans had taken it to mess with him, it still had some burn marks on it from when they fought, he couldn't help but smile a bit. he put it on and walked outside, shockingly, it was snowing, there still was a bit of dust mixed with it, but it was nice either way. he shivered a bit and stopped, knowing pap would think he's being a sissy. he followed soon after "someones excited i see? good, we have patrol to do, make sure you get sans and undyne, i'm going on ahead"Red nodded "sure pa- boss" papyrus looked annoyed "whatever, hurry up" red nodded "y-yes boss" he started walking, his hood over his head, he wasn't used to these weird feelings, not really sure what to think of them. it made him feel weird.. and he didn't like it all that much. after walking for a good amount of time. he found undynes home. he knocked on the door, and she opened up" OH sa- oh hi red, what's up?"he smiled a little bit, then pointed "boss says he wants us on patrol today, is uh.. sans there?" she tilted her head a bit "uh no dude he isn't i can give him a call if you want?" red looked down and nodded "could i uh.. talk to em?" undyne didn't really understand and nodded "sure, come in, i'll make some tea while i call him for you" He grumbled and sat down in the kitchen, messing with his collar, he looked at the tag, seeing a little heart, he knew sans was just messing with him when he did that, but he blushed non the same.He smacked his face on her table to hide it as she walked in with some tea, and her phone "uh..okay, here, call sans it's under "legendary fart master" don't ask why he put it there, but he did" red took it, and muffled "fernk chu" under the table. he lifted his head up and looked at the phone, he was shaking, he was never scared of anything like this, so why?he hit the call button and gulped as it rang, it took a while but papyrus picked up" hello?" "uh..hey papyrus uh.. can i talk to sans please? kinda important.." he could hear a door open "yes one moment red, let me get him up and give him the phone.. SANS WAKE UP YOU LAZYBONES RED WANTS TO TALK TO YOU" red blushed and made a weird squeak he's never done before, which just made him blush more.Sans grabbed the phone, and obviously almost dropped it, seems he was pretty tired "yea.. who is it.." red was sweating "er.. uh.. hey sans.. it's red" he yawned and popped his joints a bit "oh, hey red, sup?" hes voice was shaking, but he answered "h-hey sans uh.. boss said to get you for patrol.. if.. that's okay?" sans smiled on the other end of the phone. "sure red, but why are you calling from undynes phone and not yours?" red blushed even more, his entire face deep red"uh... cuz you never gave me your number.." "heh..oh yeah..sorry red" sans seemed to blush also, mostly out of embaressment "it's okay sans, just get here asap okay... you know boss will kick my fucking ass if i take too long" sans nodded "i'll be there in a sec" he put his jacket on, then literally sat next to red, and hung up "sup red, you okay? your face is more red then usual haha"Red looked away from sans and chuckled nervously "h-heh sorry, boss got on me today" he looked confused "whatever cherry boy" he pat red on the head and he resisted the urge to stick his tongue out and purr. cuz even he knew that would be fucking weird.sans just kept petting him, red basically drooled, his face calmed and he just enjoyed it , his face a more pale red then before, he just enjoyed the attention. sans smiled a bit, knowing he wasn't used to this, but he honestly found it kind of cute, but said nothing. Undyne came back in her armor, and looked at them and whistled and laughed. they both blushed and looked away from each other red looked pissed "what the fuck undyne?!" his eye started to glow "don't do shit like that bitch.." sans tugged hard on his collar "down puppy.." red blushed a lot and squeaked, softly growling but stopping "asshole.."undyne sighed and they all walked out. red has his hands in his pockets and his head down, trying not to make it obvious what he was thinking about. sans was just whistling, like he usually did. undyne was just walking, but started to beatbox , red looked up at them, and looked confused he didn;t really know what to do, and decided to outdo undyne to make himself look cool it was a bit hard to outdo her, but red did stupid shit like this all the time. sans looked a little impressed and laughed at undyne "hahaha you got served by a fucking skeleton " undyne looked unamused and they reached boss, red's face was still a little red, but he hid it the best he could. undyne fist bumped boss, which he still didn't really understand, but knew it as some weird greeting. "alright, red and sans, you both go to the hotlands past here, it may take a while and it'll be dangerous, stay clear of alphys.. okay" he nodded, sans raised his hand like a idiot "eh uh..boss? what's so bad about alphys..?" papyrus eyes got wide and he turned around "just don't get near her.. okay? unless you want something bad to happen" sans looked at red, then at papyrus, then back at red "uh... okay weirdos" papyrus then looked at undyne "you go with me, we're staying around here and looking for anyone who passed, and tallying it"undyne looked a bit mad "fine, do i at least get to kill stuff?" papyrus nodded "if need be, yes" she rubbed her hands together "sweeeeet" sans pulled on the leash on reds collar "lets go mangy mutt" red growled "who you calling a mutt you asshole?! i'll kick your ass like i did last week!" sans laughed "you barely even hit me, and if you did you know i would have died, right? so why did you hold back? i thought you were some sort of badass huh? heh.." red looked annoyed, he always knew how to get under his"because, i ain't no damn murderer, i don;t just kill shit cuz it's fun like all ya'll think i do. we kill when we have too, not cuz we want to.." sans sighed a bit "sorry, got a bit ahead of myself.." red grumbled and tried to yank himself free, but sans just pulled tighter "i don;t think so, now be a good dog and follow your master" red blushed "you ain't my damn master asshole.." his eye glew red again, sans let the leash go and his glew blue "do you want to start shit again? is that all you know how to do? is make mistakes and cause fights? we all know you're nothing but a damn coward"red looked very angry and clenched his fist "you haven;t been through HALF the shit i deal with on a daily basis, so don;t even PRETEND you know me, you got that you blue bitch? all you know how to do is be a fucking giggly piss off" sans looked a bit upsetted by this. and nodded , his eye back to normal as red was still fuming mad. he let the leash go and just kept walking, quietly.. red eventually calmed down, and did they same. they stayed close, but also kept there distance from each other. Red wanted to say he was sorry, but then again, he knew it wasn't his fault.. sans also wanted to say sorry, but knew red wouldn't accept it. so they just walked quietly, the smell of fire got stronger and stronger, sans didn't seem to care. but red grabbed his arm. "stop.. over here and be quiet.." he whispered, sans nodded, he knew better then to question his judgement. they hid behind a few trees, and saw a tall, white figure, wearing black robes. sans knew who it was.. but was in a bit of a shock that she was like..this.. it was toriel, she was.. killing monsters? why would she do that? sans looked to red confused red whispered "i'll explain later.. just..stand behind me..this might get ugly.. and i have more health then you do, so stay behind me.." he almost said something he didn't want to say, so he just gasped a little and shut up. the goats ears twitched, she herd something... she knew that voice.. "oh Saaaannnns~ won't you come say hello to me? it has been such a long time since we had a nice chat.." sans looked at red "uh.. she means you, right?" red nodded and pinched the bridge of his nose "okay.. Sans, take my phone and call boss, this is probably going to get ugly really quick, and please, don;t help me with this... i can't kill her, and you could easily die here, so boss okay?" sans sighed, he knew how weak he was and hated that red always protected him.. but he listened anyway, and hid farther away, close enough to watch, but far enough away to be able to call without being herd by the goats sensitive ears. Red walked up to her "oh, hey tori, what's up?" the goat smiled "oh hello dear sans! i was just cleaning up around here.. you know how cluttered it's been lately, i thought i would go see alphys.. check up on her. care to join me?" Red nodded his head no "nah, i have other things to do uh.. hows the husband?" tori smiled wide and raised her hand, a glowing ball of fire in he paw "oh..he's doing fine.. just taking care of asriel.. while i.. take care of things here.." Red knew what she meant by "take care of things" his eye glew red again "oh come on tori.. you know you can't kill me that easily, and you know i wont kill you, so why do you even bother to fight me?" sans quickly dialed for papyrus "hey, boss, uh.. red ran into toriel, and uh.. things ain't pretty right now, so please hurry up if yah can okay..?" papyrus sounded angry, yet with undertones of worry "shit.. that bitch.. i'll be right there sans, watch over red and make sure he doesn't use too much energy.. and if it gets too bad.. run" sans nodded "alright.. thanks" "i will be a while.. i'm not that close to where you are, we're in the ruins cleaning up and tallying deaths, so please try to be careful.." sans nodded and hung up, he looked back and red was surrounded with fire "shit.." sans said quietly, this wasn't going to be good. Red didn't look very scared though. he lifted his hand and blasted the fire away from himself. "you really think i'm just going to let you trap me like that?" he surrounded the area behind her with bones "now.. you can;t run and neither can i.. let's get this over with once and for all toriel.. i won't kill you.. but i'll make you wish that i had" toriel laughed and charged at him, he dodged, she went to snap at him, he dodged again "tori just stop it, you can;t hit me, so why do you even try?" she lunged and lunged and he dodged every time.. but.. when he dodged the next time , she saw sans, she didn't go for him yet though... but knew that red would protect him, seeing as he had such low health. she raised her hand and used a magical attack on red, which he again, dodged. but.. this time, she aimed behind him also, when he dodged, it continued to blaze behind his, he stepped in the way and took damage, grunting in a bit of pain. "ay.. bitch, i'm your opponent, not him." she laughed "i see... so you are protecting that weak bag of bones.. how cute of you .. i never thought of you as that type.. " she laughed and lunged twords sans, red stood in the way and her fist went through his eye socket, cracking his skull all around the punch.. it hurt a lot, but he didn't move, it gave them time for papyrus to arrive. she tried to yank her hand out, but the magic from his skull kept her hand in place, and damaged her as well. she hissed loudly, red grabbed her arm, and twisted it, growling until it snapped "don't...touch...him.." he said it quietly, but with enough force that she got scared.. only a little, she was surrounded in blasters, the bones behind her gone now "leave or i will kill you.." toriel yanked her hand free and ran with her tail between her legs, cursing under her breath. red stood there, his hp much lower then it should be, below one but not quite at zero as of yet, but it was getting lower and lower every few seconds, but he was still standing. sans wasn't really paying attention so he didn't even see what was going on at the time.. red struggled to stand, and fell to his knees.. and started coughing, sans then looked twords him, and walked up to him "r-res are you okay? he then saw his health and looked shocked and a bit scared" r-red? red! a-are you" red smiled a bit, still coughing "h-heh yeah.. i'm fine.. don;t worry a-about me.. okay?" sans shook him "please red, stop trying to be a tough guy for once okay?" red laughed a bit and forced himself to stand up, he fell back down and laughed.. trying again and again, and failing, sans forced him to sit back down "stop forcing yourself..please..." after a while, papyrus and undyne came, at that point red was unconscious. and papyrus was walking a bit strange.. he went up to sans and pushed him off of red, and picked him up. "fuck, how did you let this happen to him?! we need to get him healed, quickly" he looked at sans you know a shortcut to get us back, right? "sans nodded "do it" sans did, it took a few minutes but they were back home. he laid red on the couch and started to patch him up,energy was flowing from his eye socket, papyrus looked scared, sweating like red usually did. sans stayed away,behind the door, he cried , he never did that.. but he couldn't help it, it was his fault.. his fault that red got hurt.. he made him mad and ruined there friendship.. he always messed up. he shrunk down against the wall, and held his face. undyne went up to sans and sighed "are you okay sans..?" sans didn't answer " she hugged him softly "it's okay.. things here are a lot harder then they are in our underground.. this is normal here.. don;t feel so bad about it..okay?" sans couldn't help it.. after a while, papyrus walked out and looked at sans "you can see him now if you want to.. he's resting so don't be too loud please." sans nodded and walked in with his head down. his face was covered in gauze and herbs, and there was medications next to him as he laid on a couch. sans looked at him and knelt next to him, and held his hands. "red... i'm so-" red looked at him and smiled "it's alright, this happens every now and again.. i'll be okay" he smiled, another tooth was missing. sans didn't feel much better. he hugged red tightly and cried on him. red was a bit surprised by sans acting like this.. but he was also very, very tired.. so he fell asleep on him, sans cried and hugged him softly and let him rest. there we're a lot of things he didn't understand.. but now.. he understood a bit more why red was how he is..

red and blue make purple (sans x red)
FanfictionA random story i started typeing in my spare time. it'll have a lot of errors, but should be enjoyable. There's a fair bit of Smut and romance. And a LOT of errors.