Midnight Snack [L x Reader] One Shot

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It was around 11:45pm when I finally returned to my vacation suite.

Flopping down onto the king-sized bed, I sighed in frustration as I stared at my boyfriend.

"L..." I whined childishly.

The raven-haired boy hardly spared me a glance.

I groaned in exasperation.

"You've been sitting in front of that blasted computer ever since we got here," I continued aggravation clearly evident in my voice.

Again, the detective refused to acknowledge my existence as he sat there, eyes glued to the 15-inch laptop screen.

"Dammit L, we're on vacation. If you think I'm just going to sit here and watch you waste it all away, then think again," I fumed.

Misa had kindly gifted the team with an all-inclusive stay at a five star resort in Aruba. She figured that we could all use a break from all the hard work we've done. Not to mention, her reputation as a rising superstar made it unbelievably easy to obtain a private jet and 3 exclusive presidential suites. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect getaway: the sun shone brightly in the sky, the temperature was warm and breezy, the ocean view was breath taking, the evening shows were spectacular, but most important of all, the food and drinks were bottomless.

Everyone was enjoying our week long stay on the gorgeous, sandy beaches of Aruba - everyone except for L, who had decided to slave away on his computer day and night.

Being his girlfriend, I couldn't just sit here and watch him throw away a perfectly good vacation. So, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Making my way over to the boy genius, I plopped myself down on his lap and slammed the laptop's silver lid down, effectively ceasing the gentle drone of the technology.

This got L's attention as he glanced up at me with an unreadable expression.

"Good. I have your attention," I began slowly. Then, flashing a coy smile I whispered in mock aggravation, "You have no idea how hard that is."

Before the detective could even reply, my lips softly descended upon his.

L tensed at the unexpected affection but soon relaxed and responded by pulling me towards him. My hands gently stroked his soft dark locks, fingers curling the silky material. A warm pink tongue tentatively licked my lower lip, asking me for permission. I happily granted him entrance as our tongues met in a heated and lustful dance. The boy's familiar scent enveloped my entire essence. In this moment, we were one. My arms locked themselves around his neck as his hands latched on to my hips. With care, I pushed his tongue back to its origin as my own followed in the retreat. I softly traced his mouth with my appendage, gently caressing every crevice. I left nothing unexplored as my tongue expertly massaged his wet cavern, earning me groans of pleasure from my boyfriend. I smirked into the kiss as I continued to ravage him.

Suddenly, L elicited a growl of annoyance as his tongue forcefully shoved mine out of his mouth and intruded into my own. Clearly, he wanted some fun for himself. I moaned in contentment as his warm tongue licked the inside of my mouth, memorizing every dip and curve as he mapped out my hot cavity. His hands started to roam up from my hips tracing the curve of my sides. Then, with light feathery touches, he slowly ran his fingers down my spine before settling his palms on the small of my back. I melted into him as my body surrendered to his touch. His taste was addicting, and I lost myself in his ministrations. Feeling my lungs begin to give way, I broke the kiss reluctantly.

Our heavy breathing filled the room.

I looked longingly at L as a small smile made its way onto my features.

Midnight Snack [L x Reader] One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now