Day 1 - Little Slip Up

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Prompt: Character A slips and does something they exclusively do in headspace in front of B. (from littlejazzy on Tumblr)


The day had started off normally. BabyGirl and Daddy were both big and working on some things they needed to take care of. It was a weekday, which were mostly reserved for such things so the weekend could be filled with cuddles, stuffies, and overall little space fun. Occasionally they'd have time to let BabyGirl be in headspace over the week but they were both slammed with different projects and ideas that needed to be finished or fleshed out more and that left them drained every evening.

That morning they both woke up and ate breakfast together. Afterward, Daddy went for a jog while BabyGirl took a shower and went right to work finishing the latest mock-up of part of a cosplay she was working on. She had only drawn up the general measurements and basic instructions on how to put it all together the night before and was ready to test if any of what "It's 1 am, go to sleep" her wrote down made sense with a clear head.

By the time Daddy had gotten back and showered, she had sewn up, taken apart, and put the mock-up back together 3 times, each time somehow managing to stray further and further away from what she was trying to create. She had never handled being frustrated well and not being able to figure out the notes she had left herself and not understanding what was going wrong were not making it easy to stay focused.

"How's your project going so far-" The wind was suddenly ripped out of Daddy before he could finish his sentence or fully enter the room. The cause was BabyGirl bolting out of her chair and practically ramming her head into the crook of his neck and shoulder. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed as tears ran down her face. 

"Why can't I figure it out? I knew how to do it last night but now I don't know how and it's not fun and I wanted it to be fun!" She sobbed into his neck, voice muffled but still heard and understood. He quickly realized he had a very upset and small little on his hands and that his work would have to be done later. 

Daddy wrapped his arms around her and led them both to his chair where he sat. She maneuvered her legs so she could be in a halfway comfortable position as she sat with him. 

"First, let's breathe a bit." He instructed, wrapping himself around her, overlapping his ankles behind her back and hugging her close with his arms. 

BabyGirl took a few shaky breathes, still full of frustration and anger at herself. After a few exhales, her breathing was calmer and more settled. For a while the two sat together in silence, focusing on each other's breaths. 

"Couldn't understand... Was upset that I couldn't understand..." She let out a soft explanation for her earlier outburst. Daddy rubbed her back slowly, somehow managing to hold her closer and tighter. 

"I know how your emotions can get overwhelming quickly at times," He started. "I'm glad you stayed as calm as you could and didn't let your anger out wrongly." 

He pivoted his chair so he could look over at her work area. The frustrating garment was mostly still in one piece, the seams being slightly ripped from being partially deconstructed. He then took a moment to look BabyGirl over.

"Are your hands okay?" He noticed she had them in front of her, resting them on his chest. They seemed to be in good condition besides some paint splatters here and there. 

"No hurt fingers. Just upset and don' wanna be upset." She tried to ease his worries about her hurting herself. "Fingers don't feel good but know no' to pick 'em."

"Okay. I'm proud that you know not to pick at them. And thank you for explaining how you feel for me. Now," He stood up, bringing her with him. "I think we both need to take a break from work."

"But, you haven't done any work today?" BabyGirl looked up at him as she was carried to the living room.

"I know, but we've both been working hard day and night all week. I think that gives us some wiggle room to take one day off before finishing everything up tomorrow before the weekend." 

She was deposited on the couch, eyes still sad and hands reaching out in a grabbing motion towards her Daddy. He gave her a long kiss on the forehead before wrapping her up in one of the large and soft blankets that were near the couch. She quickly held onto the ends, keeping herself bundled up while Daddy went into the kitchen, her eyes following him. 

He went straight for one of the upper cabinets, finding what he wanted easily and getting it set up for his little one. He knew she'd need some well deserved comfort, so her favorite snack was perfect for helping them both relax for a bit.

BabyGirl's eyes brightened when she noticed what the food was - strawberry fruit snacks. She let go of the blanket and reached her hands out to the bowl. Daddy sat down next to her and kept the bowl slightly out of reach, earning a sad pout from her. 

"Is it alright if Daddy feeds you?" He asked, not wanting to overstep how much care his little one wanted him to provide for her. She was small but even when small she'd still want to do some things herself and get fussy when not allowed to. He didn't want to make her more upset than she had already made herself.

BabyGirl thought for a moment, looking down at the couch as she thought before looking up at him and nodding with a smile.

"Thank you, little one." He gave her a peck on the nose before starting to feed her. 

He made sure to spend the rest of the day reminding his little one that getting emotional was okay, especially since they had each other to calm down when needed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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