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After my ice cold and incredibly brief shower, I was dragged into the living room of the house and told to sit, then stay. Alex left, going through a door to another part of the relatively small house. It was larger than I had initially thought but it was definitely not huge. I took the time to look around and examine my surroundings. If I was going to form an escape plan I needed to know all of my options. The windows in this room were all boarded up. There was a fire going in the fireplace so at very least that was keeping me somewhat comfortable, especially since the room was small enough that the heat didn't have a lot of area to warm up. From where I sat I could see three doors. The one that he had gone through, the front door, and a door that was slightly open and looked like it probably led into the kitchen. The door he had gone through, I hadn't seen what was behind it and he was quick. It was most likely he hadn't wanted me to see what was in there. 

It was tempting to just make a run for the front door but, there were also several problems with that. For one, I didn't know if the door was locked from the inside, which it more than likely was. He had a ring of keys besides the one that belonged to the padlock earlier. Though he was kind of insane, he most likely wasn't carrying around a bunch of keys that he also didn't need. For two, I was only in a towel. He hadn't given me anything to change into and hadn't let me put my original clothes back on. It was summer in Russia, as summer as it got there, but I couldn't risk the elements in the middle of nowhere, in just a towel. We could be miles away from the next occupied house or there could be a freeway relatively close. I had no idea. Dying of exposure, at that point, wasn't appealing to me. Maybe it would become appealing eventually but it wasn't at the moment. 

The door Alex had disappeared through opened with force, a loud bang, I jumped but bit my lip to keep from making a sound. In his arms, he was carrying a body. Fully dressed. Some kind of bag over the guy's head. All I could tell from the clothing and the shape of the form in his arm that it was definitely a male and somewhat large. He was unceremoniously dropped by the couch in front of me. I curled up, quickly, pulling my knees to my chest, utterly convinced he'd basically just thrown a dead body at me until I heard a groan come from it. Noticed slight movement in the arms. It took a moment for the shock and drugs clouding my brain to clear enough that I realized who it was. Zakhar. I moved to get by his side and Alex put a hand up, motioning for me to stop. 

"Not a good idea, you stay." He said. 

"Alex..." I said slowly. "Please don't, he's my friend." 

"He not mine." Alex said as a matter of factly, "You like him?" 

"Y-Yes...of course, I do," I told him slowly, not even sure what the hell the right answer to that would be. Saying that I didn't like him could condemn him to death equally as much as me saying that I did like him. "What are you doing with him? I...I thought it was just going to be the two of us." 

"He try to come get you, last night." Alex said, "No match for me. I am untouchable." 

"I...I know you are and it was a mistake," I said, "But you know we all make mistakes so how about you just let him leave." 

"No!" He barked at me, "He tell everyone. I take care of this." I stared down at Zakhar wondering why he was barely trying to make a move to do anything or say anything. He was considerably smaller than Alex was, sure, but he was also incredibly muscular. He'd at least have been a match for Alex if he wasn't in whatever state that he was currently in. Alex stepped over to his side and got down, quickly pulling the cloth bag from his head. I suddenly became aware of why Zakhar wasn't doing anything helpful. He had a massive head injury. To a point where I wasn't even sure how he was technically alive and moving as much as he was. I screamed, loudly, unable to help myself. Just as before, Alex's head snapped to attention, his eyes zeroed in on me and he grinned. I jammed a hand into my mouth, muffling the sound and forcing myself to stop, at all costs, stop making any sort of sound. Alex continued to stare at me for a very long moment, while I prayed to anyone or anything listening that he'd stop. He'd get bored. He'd do anything other than look at me that way. Eventually, the predatory look in his eyes faded and he seemed to get bored again. He stood up and kicked Zakhar in the back. 

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