Coyote girl

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I'm Kaitlyn, I am an Orphan, My parents died in an airplane crash five years ago. Now i grow up in an orphanage.  I never really get adopted since everyone who does always brings me back.  I guess i'm unwanted. Everytime i ever got adopted, Everyone always thought i was weird.  Well, I guess their right. I'm 16, And well.. I'm a Coyote, Yep, Like the wolf, A coyote, Nobody knows, Only me.  I don't have any friends, And even if did i wouldn't tell them. But still, I hunt for food, I'm not very smart, I smell like a dog, I spend most of my time in the woods, I eat regular food like a pig, I sniff people from a far distance..Since i can't do it up close anymore, I can smell food from almost a mile away, Everyone thinks i'm weird, Everytime i go outside i get dirty, I don't like taking baths, My nose get's secretly wet.  Everything, A coyote would do.  But this is just how my life is.  It can't get any worse, and it can't get any better.  Plus i have school.  I basiclly know Nothing.  I am so dumb, My usually grades are d's and f's.  WHATS WRONG WITH ME?.  I don't really meet people, I don't really talk to people, i don't really socialize.  Is that a bad thing?.

"Kids, Kids, And teens, And tweens, All children, Please report into the Main Room".  Mrs. parkington said, She's the Orphanage lady, She is like the boss around here.  Everytime she says that there are people adopting. And guess who it's gonna be, Well not me.  Everytime one of the little kids gets adopted, I havn't been adopted in a year.  I've been adopted   7 times, and each time i get sent back.  It's saturday so i don't have school,  I'm just sitting in my room, Now about to go downstairs.  All of the girl  teens share a room, All of the little boys share a room, All of the little girls share a room, All of the tweens Girls share a room, And all of the boy tweens share a room. As for the baby's, They share one big nursery room.  

I got downstairs where i found all of the little kids lined up, A long with some tweens, But most of the tweens were running in the halls getting ready to line up. Behind me was other teens waiting to go, And all of the baby's were in a play pen.  There's 17 Tweens,  8 Baby's,  14 Kids, And 10 Teens.  All in all there's, 40 of us..I think.  I was now dressed in a short half sleeved Grey sweater. Ripped jeans, I ripped them by accident, And a brown braid to the side of my head.  

I walked downstairs and approached the line. "Okay children, These are a nice couple, Melissa, And john, Their going to adopt someone today, Isn't that fun?". Mrs parkington said pointing to the couple next to her,  A blonde haired young lady, Looking anxious to find someone, And a gentleman looking everyone up and down.  "The baby's are over there if you would like to look". Mrs. Parkington said pointing to the play pen.   "This is Meliny". She's a sweetheart and wouldn't hurt a fly.  She said pointing to one of the kids.  The list wen't large until she made it to the teens.  I was last.  "And finally this is Kaitlyn, She is very mysterious and you never know when she's here or not, Also along in her own little world, I barely even notice she  runs off sometimes?, But she is not mean at all". She said holding my shoulders, Well, Maybe thats why i don't get adopted?...... 

After a while everyone sat around until finally the decision, "We have made a decision". The guy said.  "Okay, Spit it out then!".  Mrs parkington said.  "We will take...".


Ha, cliffhanger!. have fun reading.

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