Fuck off

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~Thanks, Katie:)


Most days when Im sitting in class, Im calm, focused and lets face its quite cocky at the fact that I know Ill ace it because as it seems I'm brilliant. Today though I cant help my leg from shaking frantic under the table, my pencil tapping away at the desk faster than light. Im sure that Im sweating too. I can see students giving me confused or distasteful looks from the corner of my eye and I understand why. The confused looks are for the fact that im the nerd completely freaking out before a test and the distasteful looks are for the fact that Im the school nerd.

Im brought out of my thoughts by the teacher slapping the paper down and my desk and since im the last one telling us we may begin. I hesitantly pick up my pencil and stared down at the test sighing I began filling in bubbles.


As I was walking out of the class I shook my head smiling to myself. It was silly of me to think that I would fail that test. Turns out I still knew all the answers even though I never studied! As I was walking down the hall I saw a foot pop out underneath me I quickly jumped over it ans smirked up at the dick head that tried tripping me only to find an absolute gorgeous face scowling down at me.  So naturally I scowl back.

"Watch where you stick that meat stick of a leg." I calmly tell him even though I was clearly insulting him.

"I wouldnt have to if your fat ass didnt take up so much of the hall, nerd." He sneered right back. Ouch that one hurt. Yet I know its not true so i just smile smugly.

"Im not fat hun. I have something called muscles." I continue smirking at him only because I can tell he hated it.

"What would a nerd have muscles for haha running away from bullies!?" He chuckled at his own pathetic joke.

"Hm lets try kick dick heads like yours asses." With that I pulled back my fist only to hear him mock me with a tsk tsk.

"Hm we cant have the little nerdy here getting in a fight and messing up her record and her perfect scholarship now can we!" He smiles triumpently at me knowing he won when I narrowed my eyes menicingly at him. Know he won he just couldnt stop there though so the prick decided to pick up the coke can sitting beside him and dump it all on my head.

I could feel the sticky drink seep threw my ,white, shirt sticking it to my body. I couldnt even worry about my hair at the moment because I was litterally about to kick this guys ass into the next mother fucking era!

"Opps." He shrugged and sauntered away laughing. I will kill that god damn son of a bitch!

Before he turned the coner though he yelled back at me turning to smirk, "Oh and nerd nice black bra, sexy. I like it."

My mouth hung open and I probably looked like a red faced idiot right now. Snapping out of it I peeled my shirt of my skin grimacing at the feeling. Gross. Gross. Gross. I decided that I didnt give a fuck what people would think and just as I was about to pull my shirt over my head in the middle of the hall a hand stopped me.

"Uh I dont think you wanna do that here take my extra shirt." A masculine voice sounded behind me and soft fabric was shoved into my hands. "Oh and Id change in the bathroom and try to get the soda out of your hair."

I turned around only to see a lean yet muscular chest in front of me. I craned my neck up to see that Jones Hertman the only nerd in our school to do a school sport and shocker it was cheerleading. He smiled at me welcomingly though I dont know why.

"Thanks." I smile back and take the shirt to the closest bathroom. "Wait here will you?" I smile again and head to the bathroom taking off my shirt and throwing on Jones's. It was overly baggy and hung down to mid thigh so I tucked it into my jeans. I sniffed and can I just say Jones smells so fucking good like going into the woods after it rained. Now that might not smell good to you but it just leaves me smiling and tearing up. Not wanting to think about it I stopped smelling his shirt and stuck my head under the sink trying to get all the soda out of my hair. That didnt work so well so I just tossed it into a sloppy bun and walking out searching for Jones.

I found him leaning on the wall opposite the bathroom and when he saw me he walked over.

"So thanks for the shirt Jones." I smiled at him again noticing how his face lite up as he smiled back.

"No problem Finley but Im shocked you know my name.." He said shyly and I though it was so cute how his faced and neck turned red and he couldnt keep eye contact.

"Yes I like to know my compition for my scholarship but you know mine." I winked at him not able to wipe the goofy smile off my face because someone was actually talking to me.

"Well yeah your kinda hard not to know. You know sexy badass nerd. quite the combantion I think." it was his turn to wink and I chuckled.

"Badass and nerd yes, sexy no." I frowned at this I was anything but sexy my hair was dirty blonde nothing special there my face the only thing sexy was the feirceness and my eyes sure I had a good body but I didnt show it off. So sexy is a no.

"Okay whatever you say but just for the record I dont agree with you." He winked again and I found myself smiling again. "So I saw what happened I wouldve punched the dick for you if I didnt want to lose my scholarships either. Sorry though." He looked sheepishly down at his shoes frowning.

"Its okay the shirt was good enough and I understand but when I was in the bathroom I started to think... what if... what if we got that bastard back. I mean he bullies every nerd in the school. except Samantha. I mean we could we could get him back!" I started to jump excitedly and my eyes went wide.

Though Jones face look very reluctant he finally said, "And how would we manage to do this?"

And Evil look apeared in my eyes, "Well with Operation Revenge of the Nerds of course!"

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