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A/N: Hi everyone. I'm starting off with different pov on this part. And this story will start with 10 years after Emma and Chester got married.

Hope you enjoy the story.


Mike's pov:

Mike and Maddie were having some problems with their marriage. Well more like Maddie wasn't home so much anymore and Mike being busy with Linkin Park as well. They seem to have drifted apart from each other.

"Baby where are you?" Mike says leaving a message for Maddie.

Every time he tries calling her she never picks up.

After a while Maddie comes home. Mike sits in the living room watching some TV and waiting for her to come home. When he heard the front door. He switch off the TV and went to the door. 

"Hi baby. I tried calling you." 

"Hi. We need to talk."

"Okay." Mike says in a sad and concerning voice.

Maddie puts her things down and they both make their way to the kitchen. Mike and Maddie both sit down at the counter.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"This is not working anymore. I fell in love with someone else."

"You what?" Mike says looking down on the counter, running his hands through his hair.

"I want to get divorced. I don't love you anymore. I met him on one of my tours and we spend so much time together now. And I am in love with him."

"Maddie. We have a kid. What about our family?"

"I can't be in a marriage where I am not happy anymore. We'll go see a lawyer and try to sort this out like adults. But I can't do this with us anymore."

Mike just sighs. He tries to hold the tears back. He looks down and rest his head in his hands.

"I'm moving out. I'll come and pick Otis up in the morning."


Maddie gets up and she leaves the kitchen. Mike gets his phone and he calls Chester. Emma picks up.

"Hi Mike."

"Hey. Is Chester there?"

"Yes. But he doesn't want to talk."

"Can I come over?"

"Yes. Sure."

"See you soon."

"Okay. Mike..."


"Never mind. See you in a bit."

Mike hangs up and he gets Otis and get his things and he makes his way to Chester's house. 

When Mike gets there Cassandra answers the door and she lets Mike in. 

"They are in the Kitchen playing games with Tyler and Leila." Cassandra says to Mike.

Mike nods, he puts Otis on the couch and he makes his way to the kitchen. Emma stands at the counter and she smiles, watching Chester making funny faces and teasing Tyler and Leila. Mike goes in and Emma nods at him and Chester shakes his hand. 

"I'll be back. It's my turn to put the kids in bed." Chester says.

Mike nods and Chester takes the kids upstairs. Mike sits down at the counter.

"Hi Mike." Emma says smiling.


"Where's Maddie?"

"About that... She wants a divorce."

"What? Why?"

"She met someone else."

"Oh... I think I know who it is."


"Her guitar player." Chester comes in and he sits down next to Mike.


"What? You can see it when she is performing with him."

"I never noticed it." Mike says.

"Dude... You're blind. I think it's been going on for a while now."

"So going forward with this divorce would be for the best."

"Yeah. Sorry bud. But I don't think it's just a fling."


"I'm just telling him the truth."

"Okay enough about that. How is the plans coming for the tour next month?"

"Great. We're leaving on the 24th of next month."

"One more light tour." Chester sighs saying that.

"Baby. The true fans will always support you guys no matter what."

"Chaz. Don't be so bothered with the fans."

"Did you even see the comments they leave?"

"Chaz. We never did it for them. We do it because we love making music."

"I agree with Mike."

"I'm going to use the bathroom." Chester says and he gets up and leaves the kitchen.

"Mike. Have things been okay with Chester lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. I'm just sensing something is wrong."

"He was depressed when we did the album. But he seemed happy with what we both achieved. Is he still taking his meds?"

"Yes. But I just feel like he is hiding something from me."

"I'll keep an eye on him."

"Thank you. I'm worried about him."

"I know. And I have the time now. Don't worry."

"You want something to drink bud?" Chester interrupts coming back from the bathroom.

"No. I should get going. I still have to sort things out at home."

"Oh okay then. Maybe another time."

"How about dinner tomorrow night?"

"Sure. I'd love that."

"See you at 7 then."

"Sure. See you."

Mike waves and he takes Otis and he leaves the house. And Mike goes back home.


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