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KARD. The first ever co-ed group that has gotten as big in Korea as other girl and boy groups. The members were unbelievably grateful towards all the support and love that the fans, their family, and their company have given to them. And undoubtedly, they eventually won their first award in the AAA.

It seems cliché, but behind the glamour and success they have achieved until now, there were and there still is challenges to come to them. Just take a look at Somin who had to re-debut twice before she could achieved the accomplishments they have now. Or BM and J.Seph who had to train a solid 5 years before they could taste the victory. And Jiwoo... being the youngest of them all must have carried the burden of criticism, of being not good enough and being a golden child for being able to debut in such a short time.

And of course, love. The one thing that could not be separated from let alone a single-sex group, now a co-ed group? Damn right the ships are sailing already! All HIDDEN KARDs have their own favorites when it comes to the couples, but more often than not, they throw out criticism when their couples interact or was seen even only as much as smiling to another personnel. Ridiculous you might say, but that's reality.

"Did you see BM and Somin? They are so in love!"
"What the heck are you saying? It's definitely J.Seph and Somin..."

"No way. J.Seph is only getting in the way, don't you think he's better off alone? He's so... awkward"

"True, I wish he would mind his own business. I wish happiness only for BM and Somin, or Jiwoo, she's pretty too"

J.Seph lean his head on the headrest as he drawn out the sounds outside the cars, of the fans screaming and screeching. He felt a hand tugging softly at his jacket...

"Oppa, you okay?"

"Never been better, Jiwoo-ah~"

He tilted his head and flashed a blinding smile towards Jiwoo, with a bit of aegyo. Because he is okay right? Or even if he's not.. What importance would it be to Jiwoo, it would just add up to her already huge burden. J.Seph decided to ruffle Jiwoo's hair and went back to his original position to take a little rest.

Meanwhile, BM and Somin rode a different car. Their presence was met with silence... It was so suffocating as each of them obviously needed to vent what was in their mind. But no one was saying anything...

"BM, Somin, are you guys alive back there?"

The manager noona broke the silence between them.

"Ah yeah... Sorry, just a little bit tired." BM answered quietly
"I see.. Take some rest, we'll be arriving at your dorm soon."

Seeing BM is now away from his trance, Somin brace herself to strike up a conversation


"Don't you think this is not healthy?"
"What is?" BM eyeing Somin as if she just said something completely ridiculous.

"This.... Us..." Somin gestures at the air between them

"What's not healthy about us?"

"You know how the fans are..." Somin hesitates.
"And your point is..?" BM slightly raises his voice. Irked and tired and literally not getting where Somin is going with the conversation.

Somin hesitated for a second before deciding that there would be no other time this conversation could have come up.
"I... I just don't want to mislead anyone. Especially our fans... I really don't want to be third person, meddling in between anyone's relationship. Moreover, I feel extremely like a bitch that by the way the fans currently viewed us, it was not me being the third-wheeler like how I was supposed to be, it's your boyfriend, Oppa. Don't you think this is something to be worried about? People might misunderstand!"

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