Lost and Lonely

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Lost and lonely,

        My heart cries.

        No one there,

        No one to care,

                My soul slowly dies.

An empty heart thirsting for love,

        Only to be quenched with lovely lies.

I wither away a little more each day,

        Then as my breath seeps away

                In sorrows last sigh,

        And there are no more cares of why,

        My gaze fall into your pain filled eyes,

                Drowning me in the seas of your beautiful heart.

        Sinking into the soft caress of your soul,

                My wounded heart becomes whole.

I find myself drifting in the eyes of true beauty,

        Floating in springs of love.

May these springs never dry,

        Never be drained

        By the despaired wounds inflicted in this world.

For if your heart were ever to whither and die,

        Then all would be...

                Lost and lonely,

                        With no one there,

                                No one to care.

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