Chapter 7

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A bit of fluffiness for the soul~

Lafayette pov

I quietly wake up to squealing. I groggily open my eyes, feeling strong arms firmly wrapped around my waist. I look over to see the Schuyler sisters, John, and Alex all with their phones out. I quickly realized what they were taking pictures of, me and Herc sleeping together.

"What're ya doin up this early?" Herc groggily asked, setting his chin on my head as he took it out of the messy bun and messed with it.

Alex opened his mouth, acting like he was about to say something, but quickly rushed to the toilet and puked his guts out. Everyone who had been drinking, was either at a trashcan or in the bathroom. Herc, Eliza, and I all looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Suckers!" We all laughed. I saw Alex slightly roll his eyes before bending back over the toilet again and puking once more. I sighed, looking at Herc from the side of my eye, genuinely happy for once in a long time.

Once everyone was done puking their guts out, Peggy invited her girlfriend and her friends. Alex glanced in the doorway and saw James Madison and- Thomas Jefferson.

"Who invited these two?!" Alex groaned, clearly upset about it. Jefferson looked at him with a similar expression, swiftly pulling James over to a separate couch.

"I did, because they are Mariah's friends!" Peggy exclaimed, kissing Mariah's cheek, gaining a shy smile from her and a very faint blush creeping towards her ears.

We had a mainly relaxed day, we just watched a bunch of movies since we had our first classes tomorrow. I snuggled up to Herc and we watched the movie.

-Tiny time skip brought to you by the emptiness in my soul, I mean what?-

I yawned, leaning back on Herc as the credits started rolling. I sighed happily when his arms wrapped around me protectively. I glanced over to see Alex and John having a small make-out session after the credits stopped rolling.

After an hour or two of talking after the movie, everyone set back to their dorms to get ready for tomorrow.

I gave a very small yawn and went to Herc and I's room, changing into sweatpants and a baggy sweatshirt. I carefully sat down on the bed, grabbing some blankets and laying down.

I feel the other side of the bed shift and notice Herc start to lay down. I smile to myself as he pulls me by the waist close to his chest. He pulled my hair out of its very messy bun, starting playing with my curly hair.

When he tugged a few strands of hair I let out a small moan, immediately clasping my hands over mouth in embarrassment. He pulled me closer to him.

"You have a hair kink?" He quietly says in a deep voice that was very, sexy. I slightly nodded my head, covering my face with my hands attempting to hide my very red face. He gave a low chuckle and tugged my hair again, causing me to moan once more.

He flipped me to face him and gave me a passionate kiss, which I returned. He tugged my hair again, earning more moans from me. He tugged my hair once again, I let it a small moan which gave him a large enough gap to slip his tongue through. Our tongues fought for dominance, but he won and his tongue freely roamed through my mouth.

We pulled away for air, my cheeks felt very hot and he smirked at me. He gave me a small kiss on the nose before turning over and shutting off the nightstand light. He turned back around and pulled me back to his chest by my waist. I snuggled into his strong arms and slowly fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes to my alarm blaring. I groaned and grabbed my phone, turning off the alarm and getting up to get ready for class. I groaned and pried myself out of Herc's grasp. I planted a kiss on Herc's forehead before going to the kitchen to make coffee.

I walk to the kitchen and make French vanilla coffee, the best kind of coffee ever. I grab my mug full of coffee and go back to the room to get my clothes. I silently chuckle when I see Herc try to get up, but being only half awake he couldn't.

"Laffy Taffy, come back to sleep." He groggily said in his morning voice. I start giggling at his behavior. I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom, quickly changing.

(I'm way too lazy to write all the details of his morning routine so shhhhhhhhh, think of a normal morning routine)

After getting ready I look at the time, 7:45. Class starts in 15 minutes so I should probably leave already. I made my way down the flight of stairs, only to see a sight that is burned in my memory.


Oooooooh sorry I had to- well not had to, wanted to do something suspenseful, sorry!

Wait for it~!

Bonne Journée


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