The Change

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The moon was so bright that night, from being full, up in a cloudless sky. You didn't need a wand to cast lumos, as the moon lit the way for you. Oliver was only ten years old when his brother Andrew convinced him to sneak out of the house one night and go into the woods behind their family manor. Their mother had warned them time and time again to NEVER enter those woods at night, especially during a full moon... but they were just curious boys, who wanted to see what sort of monsters came out in the moonlight.
"Oliver, wake up come on, mum is asleep." Andrew was practically shaking Oliver to wake up.
Rubbing his eyes with his hands he had to blink a few times to see his brothers face clearly in the dark. Giving a nod he got out of bed and slipped on a pair of shoes and a warm jumper before following him out of the room, down the grand staircase, skipping stairs that he knew would creak loudly in the silent home, and out the large wooden front doors.
The air was brisk and a light breeze made Oliver cross his arms over his chest as the two got closer to the woods. The two stopped in front of the tree line, and he looked up at Andrew.
"Are you sure we should go in there? Mum told us -" Andrew cut him off
"Come on little brother, are you always going to do what mum tells you? Or are we going to stick together?"
"Well..." Oliver wanting to be just like his big brother smiled and gave a nod "We're going to stick together." with that, the two stepped into the trees and continued on through, though Oliver stuck closer to Andrew's side as they walked.
A couple hours had past and the boys had not seen /anything/ interesting or out of the ordinary, but what happened next, they never would have expected.
As a wolf howled in the distance, Oliver drew closer to his brother and grabbed onto his shirt...
"Ollie, I need you to run back to the house okay? I will be right behind you."
"What? It's just a wolf, right?"
"Yeah it's just a wolf but we still need to get out of here, so lets run I'll race you."
Nodding Oliver quickly turned and started running through the trees back towards the manor, he hoped.Out of nowhere, he heard something else running beside him, and it wasn't Andrew... when he looked around to see what it was, teeth clamped down on his shoulder and threw him to the ground, screams erupted from his throat as tears began pouring down his face. Andrew ran at the two of them and jumped on the werewolf's back, trying to take his attention off of Ollie. The wolf reared back and let go of his shoulder, reaching back he grabbed Andrew and threw him to the ground. "OLLIE RUN!"

Those were the last words he ever heard from his brother. The werewolf had latched onto Andrew's throat, shaking his head like a rabid animal, blood went everywhere. Oliver had managed to scramble to his feet, running faster than he ever thought he could, yet getting back to the manor felt like it took years, unable to get his brothers voice out of his head "Ollie run, ollie run, ollie run...." Pushing through the front door he slammed it behind him and screamed for his mum, blood dripping down from his shoulder, staining his jumper... His mum came running down the stairs, stopping as she saw her younger son...

"What did you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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