01 ~ Markhyuck

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Ship: Markhyuck (Mark x Donghyuck)

Group: NCT

Plot: The Markhyuck fight of 2017 gets a little out of hand, but the Disney in me finds a way to make things better. ;)

Tagged: Angst(ish) with a happy ending

I'm a sucker for tears and happy endings, spare me.

(I wrote this oneshot like 6 months ago so if it's trash please forgive me)


"You're insufferable!" Mark huffed out, his eyebrows knitting together as he looked at the younger.

"Well I'm sorry  that I make you so frustrated! But you know damn well that I didn't trip you on purpose!" Donghyuck yelled back, shoving his pointer finger into Mark's chest.

"Oh yeah, okay! That's totally believable!" 

"Well it should be since I'm. Not. Lying!"

Jeno's eyes shifted back and forth as the two shot insults at each other. He hated seeing them fight, but honestly he was used to it. They had been like this since the beginning of the comeback and neither of them will tell the others why. 

He decided enough was enough for today.

"Can we please just practice?" Jeno said, closing his eyes and sighing.

"I don't know, we can if this little brat stops trying to kill me!"

"Mark! You are being a literal child! He said it was an accident, just trust him and move on with your life! We aren't going to get any better with this stupid choreography if you two don't just shut up and dance!" Jeno said, his voice raising. It's easy to say the room was a little taken aback since this was very out of character for the smiley boy.

Renjun decided to step in, "Jeno's right. If the manager heard about us using the practice time like this, all of our asses would be on platters! So if you care about us and the dynamic of the group even a little, then suck it up and get in your places!" He ended his tyrant with an eye-roll before pulling Jeno back into the center of the gym and into the starting position of "We Young".

"Jisung! Start the music, we're practicing with or without them!" Renjun shouted. Jisung quickly scurried to the the laptop and hit play, running back to his position.

Mark and Donghyuck both hesitated but quickly joined the others before any lines were actually said. 

Less than 20 seconds into the song, Donghyuck laid his hand on Mark's shoulder as he was supposed to. Mark felt a surge of heat flow through his entire abdomen. Startled by the unfamiliar feeling, he shoved Donghyuck as hard as he could, sending him tumbling into Chenle.

"Don't touch me!" He screamed at the red-haired boy. Donghyuck's mouth was agape as Chenle tried to steady himself.

"Are you SERIOUS?" Renjun borderline shouted. "Can you not be professional for a full minute, Lee Minhyung?" Renjun huffed and stomped over to Chenle, whose knee was slightly red from sliding against the hard gym floor. 

"Are you okay Lele?" Renjun asked gently, moving Donghyuck aside since he knew Chenle was the one who took the real damage.

"I'm fine, Is Donghyuck-hyung okay?" Chenle asked, pointing at the other boy who also harbored a spot on the floor.

"I'll be okay, Le, go clean up your knee." Donghyuck said, standing up and patting the boy on the shoulder.

Renjun and Chenle left the practice room to go clean up his minor injury, the entire room filling with silence.

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