08 ~ Seungjin

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Ship: Seungjin (Seungmin x Hyunjin)

Group: Stray Kids

A/U: Highschool AU

         //Blind!Seungmin AU

Plot: The popular kid Hyunjin is dared by his friend to win over the affection of the blind kid Seungmin. You know where this is going

Tagged: fluff and angst (happy ending though what's new)


"Truth or dare."

"Dare, obviously."

"I dare you to get that kid in the back to fall in love with you, no matter what it takes."



Seungmin stood up once he heard the bell ring, reaching for his books.

"Hey!" an unfamiliar voice called to Seungmin, catching his elbow.

Seungmin jumped and ripped his arm out of the stranger's hold. "Fuck! Dude! You don't just come up on people like that!"

"Oh, yeah, uh, sorry I guess. What's up?" Hyunjin said, leaning on the chair Seungmin had just got out of.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

Hyunjin couldn't stop the frown that made its way onto his face, "You don't know me?"

Seungmin scoffed and leaned down to feel for his cane he had set on the floor, turning to Hyunjin once he found it. "Voices aren't the easiest sign of a person I've never talked to." He opened his eyes widely and pointed to them with the same hand holding his cane.

He put the tip of his cane to the ground and began to walk off, swinging it side to side.

Hyunjin stood unmoving, jaw agape. This might be harder than he thought.

"W-Wait!" He called again, running up to the boy.

Seungmin rolled his cloudy eyes before turning around with a smile. "Listen, you seem nice, but I really should get going to class before I'm late, I already take long enough as it is."

Without waiting for a response Seungmin turned back around and began to walk again.

"Can I have your number?" Hyunjin fumbled out quickly.

"Gonna be late!" was all Seungmin said in reply.

Once the blind boy was out of sight, Hyunjin smirked, "I love a challenge."


"No, Minho, I just need more time. He isn't going to tell me he's in love with me after one conversation."

"I was just making sure you weren't chickening out, buddy. You're Hwang Hyunjin, it won't be long and he'll be kissing the ground you walk on." Minho chuckled.

Hyunjin laughed, but he had a feeling this time it wouldn't be so easy.


"Minnie! Over here!"

Seungmin smiled and followed the (very loud considering they were in a loud cafeteria) voice. "Hey Jisung."

"So, anything interesting go on today?"

"Well some guy tried talking to me. I don't know who it was though. He even asked for my number. He didn't even know I was blind and was asking for my number! The audacity." Seungmin finished with a scoff.

"Oh my god please tell me you gave him your number!" Jisung nearly squealed while shaking his arm.

"No! Why would I? He knew nothing about me."

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