Chapter 1

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"Ari, please don't make me leave. I want to stay here with you and Frankie and mom." I spoke into my sisters shoulder. I held back my tears a little bit.

"I know love, but you have to go back, for now. I promise well tell people soon." She squeezed me tight and sniffled. We separated from our tight hug.

"Hey, I got you something." Ariana said as she picked up the white package from her bed. She handed it to me and I opened it.

"Ari, thank you. It's just like yours I love it." I stared at the small white Chanel handbag. I took a deep breath.

"I guess I should get going." I said walking out of her bedroom.

"Hey, sisters?" Ari said

"Always." I said and left. Ariana Grande was the best sister I could ask for.

I walked out of Ari's room and downstairs to the kitchen table where my Nonna was siting with my mom.

I pulled my Nonna into a hug.

"See you soon, doll face." She said as she kissed the top of my head. My mom grabbed my bags and walked me out to the car. We got in. it was a silent drive to Vero Beach, where my aunt lives. When we pulled up my mom looked at me.

"Mom how much longer until I can tell people." I said.

"Marie, you wanted to live a normal life. So be patient. I promise you can tell them soon." I got out of the car and stormed into my aunts house. I don't understand why I can't tell people I'm Ariana Grande's sister. I remember when my mom asked me if I wanted to live a normal life, I said yes. I don't know why, I hate lying to everyone. Ariana always makes things better I want to live with her.

I walked into my Aunt's house and ran up to my room. I was so angry I wanted to scream. I laid down on my large cream colored bed, and sobbed.

It was Sunday which meant tomorrow is October 12, my mom told me I could tell people around Christmas.

It was late and I didn't feel like talking to my aunt so I stayed in my room all night long. I threw on some pajamas and curled up in bed and looked through the stack if photos I keep on my bedside table. Mostly pictures of Ari, Frankie and I when we were little. I came across a picture from my 3rd birthday party. I was sitting in my highchair with cake all over my face and Ari squeezing my cheeks. She used to do that all the time when I was little. She's 4 years older than me so I was like her little doll.

I put away the pictures and turned out my light. I closed my eyes but couldn't sleep.


I woke up the next morning to my aunt banging in my door.

"Marie, wake up it's Monday." She yelled. Is it just me or do people automatically become 100 times more annoying when they wake you up.

"Fine! I'm up, I'm up!" I yelled to stop the banging. I got out of bed and slipped on a light pink mini skirt and a white cropped top. I looked in the mirror. I was very petite and tan, like Ari. We looked almost the same. Same hair. Same legs. Same eyes. Same nose. That's why we always got along. We were like the same person. I went into my bathroom and put on minimal makeup and put my hair into a high pony.

I slipped on my grey knee high socks before I headed downstairs.

"I haven't seen you at all," my aunt said as I slipped on my brown combat boots.

"I was tired," I lied trying to skip out in another 'You need to start treating me like your mom' lecture.

"Okay sure," She grinned. "Anyways, you better hurry if you wanna catch the bus." She said before I could even catch my breath I was putting on my black denim jacket and heading out the door.

I slung my Chanel backpack on one shoulder and waited at the bus stop. If you haven't noticed Ari tends to give me a lot of Chanel products.

The bus pulled up and I hopped on. I walked to the back to search for a seat.

"Marie! Over here!" I heard someone call I glanced over and found my good friend, Audrey waving me over. She was with my other friends. Here's a quick intro:

Audrey is my best friend out of the group. I swear if I had a time machine I would go to ten years in the future and find her as Editor in Chief of Vogue. She adores fashion, her and her mother go to Paris every spring and always comes back with designer every thing. She has straight black hair and us petite like me. She has this thing for Brandon. She thinks I don't know, but Chelsea told me.

Chelsea is the biggest gossip in the school. She's a blonde haired perfectionist and she constantly knows what's going on and with who. Her main source of the information. Is her twin sister Maybalien.

Maybalien also know as Lien, is addicted to her phone. She knows everything. I'm not saying she's a stalker but, she's like the TMZ of our school. She has a passion for dance. I always encourage her to tryout for our school ballet team with me and Raven, but she never does.

Raven is like the bad girl of the group. She's constantly having parties and getting into trouble. It's hard for her though because her dad just got laid off and their family's in debt. I try to help out as much as I can considering my aunt is pretty wealthy. She has light brown hair like me and is kind of tall. She loves dance though, which is wierd because you wouldn't expect a badass to be kickass at ballet.

Daniel or Danny is every girls dream boy. He surfs, he's a life guard, he models. His tanned skin matches mine and has bleach blonde hair. He likes me but wouldn't dare because he's bestfriends with my boyfriend. I wouldn't dare either because he's dating Chelsea.

Lastly, is Brandon my boyfriend. I guess were like a dream couple. We've been together since August and it's October, but were pretty serious. He plays lacrosse with Daniel and is the team captain. I come to him with all my problems.

I guess I'm like the queen bee of the group. We are the most popular in the school. We go to private school. People say were stuck up. I'd agree, but we try to stay humble.

I walked over to the Audrey and Raven and sat next to Raven.

"Turn around let me see your outfit," Audrey demanded. She did this every morning. She examined my outfit closely. then clapped her hands together that made me jump.

" chic, well done or shall I say. Bein fait," Audrey picked up some French on her yearly trips and intended to use it whenever she could. We all laughed. Then I finally sat down.

"So, have you asked your mom about the Halloween festival yet?" Audrey asked from behind me.

"Uh yeah she said she will write the check today." I said I glanced over at Raven. She looked down at her hands.

"What about you Raven?" Audrey asked. I knew Raven couldn't afford the fee that came to setting up the Halloween festival, but she really wants to be on the committee. She started blushing. I was the only one who knew about her family.

"She can pay for it." I spoke up for her, Raven looked at me her eyes as wide as they could be.

"Great!" Audrey said.

"Why did you say that? You know my family can't afford it!" Raven whispered into my ear.

I glanced at her for a minute. "But I can," I whispered back. She looked at me in shock then finally hugged me.

"Thank you" she mouthed.


hope you guys like it. I will try to update as often as I can. don't forget to vote. hope you enjoy loves!


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