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Your P.O.V.

My aunt had told me that we were going to have new neighbors. Children. That they would be living with Count Olaf. I hated that man. He was rude and mean. I didnt have many friends. Everyone at school saw me as odd. They weren't wrong. To be honest, I prefered books over people. I was excited to maybe make some new friends.

I put on a dress and went outside.

I put on a dress and went outside

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I was planning on greeting them. But when I saw a car in the distance and chickened out and ran inside. Aunt Justice welcomed them instead. I stayed in my room until the coast was clear. Then I went to the garden to pick some flowers. I put the beautiful bouquet of daisies in a vase and got out a book. "Zodiac signs and their traits".

Justice: I'm heading to the store. Bye, Y/n.

Y/n: Bye.

I sat in my room, reading. I loved astronomy. It was my passion. Stars and outer space was just so captivating. I read for about 3 hours. Suddenly the doorbell rang. I rushed downstairs and opened the door.

Three children were standing on the porch. The girl seemed slightly older than me, the boy seemed about my age and the toddler looked about 3 years old.

Violet: Hello, is Justice Strauss here?

Y/n: No, she's at the store. I'm her niece. How may I help.

Violet: Oh. I'm Violet Baudelaire. These are my siblings, Klaus and Sunny.

Y/n: I'm Y/n. You must be our neighbors. Pleasure to meet you.

Klaus: the pleasure is all ours.

I looked at him. God he was cute. Snap out of it, Y/n!

Sunny (translated): we are looking for the library.

Y/n: Right this way.

They followed me through the the hallway.

Violet: Wait, you can understand her?

Y/n: Oh, yes. I love babies.

Klaus smiled slightly.

I led them to the library. It was about 2000 square feet.

Klaus: It's huge.

Y/n: indeed. Are you looking for anything in particular?

Violet: Yes. Any cooking books?

Y/n: Over here. Japanese? Mexican?

Sunny: Italian

Y/n: This shelf. Use the ladder. Can I help?

Klaus: Thank you. Y/n and I will look through pasta recipes and Sunny and Violet can find a sauce.

We separated from the girls. I had to admit that he was cute. We flipped through cooking books on the couch.

Y/n: I'm sorry that you have to live with Count Olaf.

Klaus: it's better than nothing.
Do you like astronomy?

I looked up to meet his hazel eyes. He pointed to the table with a pile of astronomy books.

Y/n: Yes. I'm not proud though.

Klaus: Why is that?

Y/n: Because I read too much

Klaus: there's nothing wrong with that

Y/n: You're the only person that thinks that. People at school tease me about it.

He shot me a warm smile.

Y/n: What is your zodiac sign?

Klaus: Pisces. Yours?

Y/n: Scorpio.

Klaus: Scorpio and Pisces are usually great friends

Sunny: Get a room

We both flushed a deep red. I glanced back at my book in embarrassment.

The Baudelaires were about to head home.

Y/n: Oh, wait! I have something for you.

I rushed to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bag. I ran back to the door and handed them the bag.

Klaus: What is it?

Y/n: There's a pillow, books and cookies

Violet: Thank you so much, Y/n

Y/n: Your welcome. Bye

They walked away as I closed the door.

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