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PANIC coursed through your veins as you ran down the dark hallways, your legs feeding off of the fear that emanated from deep within your bones. You couldn't stop the tears that flowed from your eyes as you once again recalled the state of your friends in their passing: their bodies motionless on the floor, limbs sticking out every which way in positions that should be impossible; blood trickling from the corner of their mouths, as well as their eyes, which were wide, glassy and emotionless; the smell of burnt flesh and boiling blood traveling through the still air. Where their stomachs should have been was a large hole instead, having burnt it's way through muse and bone.

And then you had seen her.

She had stood there as you did in shock, the air around her cackling from the electricity that made her veins glow beneath her skin, which was a sickly pale color. She had a crazed grin engraved on her face, eyes wide and almost black from her pupils being so dilated, but what remained of her irises glowed a bright electric blue. Her black hair was frizzy, some strands in her face some smoking at the tips, some plastered to her back on her soaked black turtleneck. She wore skinny jeans, once white but were now spattered with the blood of your friends. She was skinny, so much so that you could still see her rib cage through her shirt.

She was not the definition of death. Oh no, she was far worse.

She was the definition of INSANITY.

You freeze momentarily when you hear her maniacal laughter echo throughout the building. Your heart is pounding in your chest, feeling as if it were to drop into your stomach at any second. You felt her eyes on you everywhere you went, her breath tickling the back of your neck, yet every ten seconds you would look back and nothing would be there. Though even you knew how your eyes betrayed you, for she was all around you-in the air, in the walls, in your shadow-and you just could not seem to escape her presence. Every time you turned a corner, you'd feel the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck stand to attention, the static popping and snapping in the air around you. Sometimes you'd get shocked when you tried to turn a doorknob. she was always nearby, watching your every move.

YOU see a door and attempt to stop running, only to have your feet skid so you'd hit a wall that you swear wasn't there before. you end up jamming your foot against it, feeling a crack! inside your ankle. You yelp in pain, but you manage to get yourself up by using the wall as support. You're about to grab the doorknob but stop yourself, thinking it over: What if it's just another trick? What if all you end up doing is getting yourself zapped again? You ponder these questions, but in the end you decided to try it anyway. You slowly inch your hand closer to the knob and...GOT IT! You weren't zapped this time! You carefully turn the the knob and the door creaks as you pull it towards you. This is is. This is your way out of this hellhole-


Her face is merely several inches from yours, that creepy and disarming grin still glued on her face. You can see her veins glow much brighter than before, and just as you're about to scream, she pulls you in, out of the hallway and through the doorway. You're eyes are screwed shut, and after about five seconds, you realize that her clammy hands are no longer gripping your wrists. You feel a small breeze blow across your face, and you open one eye curiously, a gasp escaping your dry, cracked lips. You're outside! You run forward, despite the pain shooting up from your ankle. But for some reason, this doesn't seem right to you. Ignoring your protesting ankle, you skid to a stop again, just in time to have your toes stop right at the edge of the roof. The roof. You cry out in anguish-of all the places to end up, you end up stuck on the roof. Irritated, you turn around, and suddenly there are two hands on the side of your head.

She has you now.

You hold your breath, your heart beating even harder than before. You attempt to focus your sight on anything but her, yet something is pulling your attention towards her. Her ravenous grin is still there; her irises are glowing so intensely that you feel as if you're shrinking under her stare.

Then you hear a bloodcurdling scream, and you realize that it's you.

Her hands are searing with heat, and you can't help but think is she frying my brain? Your body is convulsing under her touch, your knees beginning to buckle beneath you. Your vision is turning red, and you feel tears emerge from your eyes. They trail down your cheeks and settle on the corners of your mouth. You taste something metallic, bitter. Blood, you think, I'm crying blood? Then you feel more blood trickle from your nose, then your ears. You can't hear anything anymore. All you can do is feel. Feel your vocal chords tear as you scream continuously. Feel your eyes roll into the back of your head.

ABRUPTLY, she lets you go. You crumble at her feet, unable to move your limbs. You look up at her from the corner of your eyes, and you can see that she's laughing. Then suddenly she's gone. One moment she was there, the next she just...wasn't.

You were alone.

You lay there for hours, crying more blood. Your notice that your hearing has returned-thought not without a splitting headache-when you can hear the traffic from below. You attempt to scream again, but it only comes out as a croak. You also remember that you have a broken ankle that shoots pain up your leg whenever it twitches. And you realize something so horrible that you cry even harder. So horrible that you decide you've had enough and, despite how painful it was to move anything at that moment, you roll yourself over the edge of that godforsaken building. So horrible that even as you plummeted to your death, you actually smiled with relief-laughed, almost. Because this was better than staying stranded on a roof, in never ending pain, alone.

Alone. After everything you've seen tonight, you realize that being alone is the last thing that you should be in a moment like this. It wasn't so much as terrifying having a psychotic electric-charged bitch chase you around in a building after killing off all of your friends. It's when you realize that out of everyone else that had been there, you were the only one to survive; that you were, indeed, left alone.

And NOTHING is more terrifying than being left alone. But you are alone no more.

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