"Hustle And Flow"

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This is just the Intro this is not a chapter.........I repeat This is just the Intro this is not a chapter!

Ray Ray

Wassup it's your boy Ray Ray and life here in Brooklyn,New York ain't easy........And I mean not easy! I know you wondering who I am so let's start it off. Well you already know my name is Ray Ray but, to be honest it's my stage name.....Yea I said stage name......Well old stage name.......If you wondering why I said stage name stop wondering and listen until I get to that part! I was born on October 20th, 1992 with the name Raymond Smith( I changed his name sorry!) to the parent's of Teresa Smith and Christopher Lopez. A few months before I was born they got married and my dad took my mom's last name instead of her taking his. But, that only happened because his family has a fucked up as background! Any who 2 years after I was born my little sister Danaya Smith was born but, we call her Naya for short. She was born September 10th,1994 to be honest that little girl is my world but, enough about her. We had the perfect little family.......At least that's what everyone thought.....You see my dad and mom was in love but, he had anger issues and would beat my mom. She begged him to get help but, he refused and kept saying he was fine.. Yea right!........... Me and my sister just cried every night basically because he was either angry or angry and drunk. My mother got tired of it and she left. She was going to take us but, he wouldn't let her so she packed her bags and continued life without us and the beating turned to us. She called a few time's but, then it stopped I don't know why honestly. She started picking up calling again when I was 12 and Naya was 10 but, she had a new boyfriend and he was just out of control. Months later they we're in a car crash and she died I can still remember the detectives telling us like it was yesterday. A year and a half past and my father was now on drugs he died from a over dose, and my mother ex boyfriend took us in but, little did we know he was on crack and he began leaving us and one night they found him doped up dead on the floor by a old garbage can in a alley. By the time I was 18 and Naya was 16 we we're in 6 foster homes and we ran away from the all. Either they we're abusive, or neglected us mentally,physically,and emotionally. The shit hurt because we had no one and we're stealing and sleeping in strangers house just to stay alive...That's until I met August....... He was like a new beginning.... He saw I had a talent when I started singing and dancing in front of him and he had a few music connects and he basically got me into the music business. I t lasted for 5 years until I was getting cheated out of money, I couldn't let that happened because Naya had needs.........Expensive needs at that....She was in college and all..... She finished before I got out the game but, then we still needed a way of living. August got me into the dope game and ever since then...........Life has been great! Well that's it because I basically said my whole night. Ight peace we got a big ass drop to do!

August Intro

Eh I'm pretty sure Ray told y'all how we met but, now it's my time! Yea I was born with the name August Antwan Taylor (Changed his name also) to the parent's of Joseph Parker and the beautiful Monique Taylor. I was born January 18th, 1991. I'm 24 and Ray is 23, his sister 21.. But, enough about them...... My life was horrible but, my parent's was on drug's I'm talking weed,crack,heroin,acid, and more. To be honest I thought they life would be over by how many drugs they did but, they got help together.........And got back on drug's together what a fucking shame. When I turned 8 they died....Not from a over dose but, from a plane crash. I was in about 20 orphanages the most.......I was bad ass hell Lmfao. But when I turned 16 I ran away and started rapping on the corners for money.It didn't get me anywhere.....Well it would have if I accepted the deal I got offered. Sometime's I wish I would have accepted the deal but, I didn't because I felt I could do it anytime I plus I had a college degree. I went to college graduated but, ended back on the streets crazy right?! I was alone and til I met my little bro Ray and his sister who is like a sister to me Naya. We got into the game together but, ended it after 5 years!........Nigga's was fucking with our money! But, he had a little money still so he put Naya through college and she looked bomb when she graduated. I want her so bad but, because she's Ray little sister I'm going to fall back and find my own shawty. But peace we got a drop!!

Naya Intro

Yup Ray told y'all about our story and I know y'all know my age but, to add on I have sexual feeling towards him and I think he has some towards me but, hey that's none of y'all business! When I was only 4 my father used to sexual abuse me and no one know's til this day. It was hard to keep it away from people but, I managed to keep it a secret but, now I feel bad because I wished I would have told someone before he passed. That was one stupid decision to make because now he has no way to feel bad about what he did and I wish he could............ But, hey he rotting in hell and I'm sorry to say this but, I don't give a fuck he deserves to rot in hell! I do miss my mom though she was everything to me. Just wish she took us with her when she left..............We was so young and the pain we went through we didn't deserve. But, hey I can forgive even though their not here but, I won't forget but, I also have to learn to let go of the past! Well bye, I have to make a drop!!!

And this is a intro to..........." Hustle and Flow"!!!! Let's see what happens in the first chapter!

P.S August girlfriend Intro come in when y'all meet her!

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