Chapter One

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Ray/August Pov

At was about 11:30 pm and we was still waiting for Naya ass to get dressed. We had to be out by 12 o'clock and she want to take all her life to get dressed. We waited for another 5 minutes before she came down stair's.

Pov Over

August and Ray: Took your ass long enough!

Naya: I'm sorry but, you know you can't rush beauty(Smiling showing her pretty white teeth)

August: Yea we know........You looking mighty fine too.(Biting his lips)

Ray: Bro did you forget that's my little sister?(Smacking him upside the head) Stop biting them lips before you lose them!

August:(Holding the back of his head) My bad son it's just.......Do you not see that!

Ray: Nigga if you d-

Naya: I'm pretty sure he see's this now let's go before our customers get impatient.......See the time(Showing her watch)

Ray: Let's go man 

August: Ight

They make they way to Ray's purple Range Rover and get in during the car ride they was cracking jokes on Ray.

August: Son bro when are you going to get rid of the shit I mean you look like a bitch rolling around in this(Laughs)

Naya: Yea this looks like something I should be riding around in(Laughing)

Ray: Man look stop worrying about me and worry about you. Shit all up in my business. I like purple so my car or what ever you want to call it is purple.

Naya: Yea August stop worrying about him he look's "manly" in this car(Laughing)

August:(Killing his self laughing) Oh my god I cant deal

The rest of the car ride was pure jokes. Ray was getting annoyed so he turned the music up so he couldn't hear them. When they got their it was dark and quiet. Before Ray got out of the car he made sure the coast was clear and then got out. When he got out he waited 10 minutes before getting greeted by a girl.

Girl: Hey boo (Smiles)

Ray: Look cut the bullshit you got the money?(Looking at her skeptically)

Girl: Yea you got the drugs?(Giving the look back)

Ray: Let me see it before I give you them

Girl: Look I ain't no random bitch and I ain't no scandalous hoe so just give me the bag first

Ray: Bitch please show me the money or you don't get shit and I can give them to someone who's worth my time

Girl: You know what here (Kissing her teeth)

Ray opened the bad to see the money. He checked every compartment of the bag before taking it to make sure she wasn't pulling no shit. Ray was asking questions before handing her the bag. Mean while in the car with Naya and August they we're making small talk.

In the car

August: So tell me again why we can't be together(Looking in the rare view window at Naya)

Naya: How many times do I have to tell you it's because I'm not feeling you that way your more like a big brother to me

August: But, why can't you see I want to give you the life that you didn't have when you was younger........... I just want you to let you know that Ray is not the only one here for you I am

Naya: Look Aug I'm going to be completely honest with you.......I don't see you as a brother even though that's what I should see you as but, I just can't see you as my man with this life style. I mean if you we're in the music business than yes but now no.

August: Look I can get out but it wont be easy....And I still have connects so that will be easy........Give me a couple of months if I get out then will you think about it?

Naya: Maybe I don't know can we just change the subject>

August: Yea sure

It was a little chilly so August climbed in the back with Naya because she forgot her sweater and got cold. A few minutes later Ray came back with not only the money but, her number.

Ray: What the fuck is going on here?

August: She was-

Naya: I was cold so he came to warm me up nothing more nothing less.

Ray: Yea yea yea but, I got this number for you don't ask how just know I go it

August: Lol so I'm going to ask why..So why

Ray: You gave me a great life and I owe you so here(Hands it to him)

August: Thanks(Takes it) But, what's her name?

Ray: Y/N she sexy ass hell so I think you might like her.

Naya Pov

I don't know why but, when Ray said that I felt jealousy take over me. Ugh like he didn't see me in here.

Pov Over

It was late so they quickly made the other drop's then went to the trap house to count the money. They counted about 10,000,000.00 that night. After they left and went home August was sleepy so he went straight to his room and went to sleep. This left Ray and Naya up all alone. Naya went into the living room to watch TV while Ray went to his room, moments later Ray came out his room and sat with Naya.

Ray: Move over ugly(Chuckles)

Naya: I am no where near ugly(Moving over)

Ray: Girl stop lying that's why you ain't got no man(Laughs)

Naya: Look who talking you ai't got no girl so we in the same boat

Ray: What ever give me the remote

Naya: I'm watching this but, here(Throws it at him and it hit him in the head)

Ray: Ouch! (Hit's her)

Naya: It was by a accident(Hitting him back)

Ray: Don't start yo going to lose!

Naya: Bring it!

The next thing you know Ray is tackling Naya and they are playing fighting and Ray is winning until Naya hit him with the pillow. He was now on his back and Naya was on top of him hitting him.

Ray: Get off me!(Flipping them over causing her to get mad and quite)

Naya: No fair your stronger(Pouting)

Ray: I still love you(Laughing)

Naya: What ever now get off of me(He was still on top of her)

Ray: Nope I kind of like it up here

Naya:  Boy get off(Pushing him)

Ray fell off of her and rolled on the floor they laughed a little then just starred at each other.

Naya: Why are you starring at me?

Ray: Well why are you starring at me?

Naya: I think we know why

They starred for another 5 minutes and then Naya leaned in and kissed him. At first Ray was surprised but, then kissed back. Kissing lead to touching and touch lead to something they never imagined doing with each other.

The next morning.........

Tbc I'm tired but, comment with feed back!

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