• Ivores and an Almanac •

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Pronunciation Guide for the Chapter:
Ivore — eye-vor

"So let me get this straight," Headmaster Alatar said to us as we all sat in his office. I remembered getting in trouble with Claire once, we'd been caught during a food fight in the high school cafeteria and taken to the principal's office for questioning, and we'd both hung our heads with the fear of getting into more trouble looming over our shoulders. Here, neither Caspian, Noemie, or Cahl hung their heads, so neither did I. "The thing that attacked you was invisible?" 

"Yes, Headmaster," Cahl replied for all of us. "Eliza's familiar came to defend us." Alatar's eyes moved to me and a lump formed in my throat. This was different from earlier today, when he'd brought me here after the demon attack. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it when the big doors to his office opened. We all turned in our seats to see Professor Farrington enter and shut them once more behind her. 

"Cahl, Noemie..." the headmaster addressed, "you're dismissed." They looked over at Caspian and I, before they slowly rose and left the office. Once they were gone, Alatar ran both of his hands over his face. "I assume you two are the ring leaders for whatever took place today." 

"We were attacked," Caspian countered. "There's something in the school—"

"I know that there's something in the school," Alatar snapped, turning his attentions on me. 

"Steven," Farrington said in warning. 

"Eliza..." the headmaster addressed, "I hate to say that maybe attending the University isn't the best for you." 

"What?" I asked, hearing Caspian's voice along with mine. 

"She's been here for a day, Sir," my friend argued.

"And she's been in my office twice today, Caspian," the headmaster replied, "both for creatures that could harm the other students." 

"But it's her mother's fault that things are after her," Caspian continued, "and no one will tell her why." 

"Please, headmaster, I'll try to stay out of trouble," I begged. I could already see my grandmother's smug face and satisfaction at me getting sent home after one day. She'd tell me that it was because I was powerless and useless. 

"Steven, we knew things like this might happen. We can't kick her out now," Farrington commented. I looked over at her young face, furrowing my brow. Caspian heard it too. 

"What do you mean?" he asked them, looking between them both. Alatar looked inclined to answer the question, but Farrington got there first. 

"We wanted you to attend, Eliza," she stated, pulling my attention over to her. "But we knew that it would be a controversial. The Council would surely come here if they heard that you were attending and we have decided to personally vouch for you." 

"Why is my attendance controversial?" I asked. 

"Because of your mother" the headmaster answered. I looked over at him and took a deep breath. 

"What do you know?" I asked him, "please tell me about her. Everyone else refuses to." Alatar locked eyes with me for a long moment before he let out a long breath. 

"We're all sworn under oath, Eliza. I'm sorry," he breathed out. 

"An oath?" Caspian questioned for me. Farrington pushed off of her spot on the wall and came over to lean against the the desk. 

"Verana made us all swear an oath," Alatar continued, "to never tell a soul, especially her own daughter, about the events that occurred here." 

"What about—"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2019 ⏰

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