Chapter 6.Nervous

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Ashwaq pov

I am feeling so nervous to see him,
I dont know how he looks
I dont know him completely.


"Yes umii"

"your dad just called
They are coming in now" mum informed me

"Ash my daughter,please dont be scared, I wont treat you like daughter in law.but I will treat like my own daughter, leyla" said aunty anisa

I smiled at her, I am nervous i couldn't say anything to her
Alhamdullah I have got such a kind and nice mother in law

"Come sit near me ash!" Said mum

I sat near my mum
My heart beats faster
I am sweating
I feel everything is going upside down
I am so nervous..
Looking at the time
Till now they arent here
How far is the hall to the women's siting room
I am just being too much..
Stop ashwaq, stop thinking..

"Asalaam alalikum"said uncle Saleh

"Walaikum salaam, I miss you so much my brother saleh"

"Me too my sister"

"It been so long,we haven't met ,where is my son in law, adam.."

"He is coming,he took a business call,it seems you miss him more than me"

"Hahah no brother I miss you too"

"Ashwaq, are you okay
Why are you still looking down, you dont want to meet your uncle or soon to be father"
He winked at me

"Uncle Saleh,I miss you so much"

"Don't worry ashwaq you are in a good hands,dont worry at all my dear"

"Ameena where are our sister's labna and wasila, I just saw my brother in laws,where are my nieces, I just saw majid"

"They are still on the hall,managing people.
Only labna and wasila will come, our niece's will come later, we are waiting for our adam to see our ash, so that I call our nieces to greet their uncle."

Where is he, he is taking too long,what kind of a business call till now?
Watching my mum and my aunty enjoying themselves with my uncle they havent met for long ,How can they talk? How can they be happy, I am very stressed, guess I am being too much
Ashwaq please stop thinking

"Asalaam alalikum"said adam.

"Walaikum salaam" greeted everyone except me I was too nervous to answer.

"My son in law how are you?
You have become a man now mashaa allah
You changed completely"

Finally he is here I cant look at him
I am very shy
Every one was standing to congratulate him
Yes, I will get a chance to see him
My mum and aunts were standing right infront of me
I thought of peeping through the little hole that was left between my mum and my aunty wasila' shoulder.

Mashaa allah
He is handsome
He is tall I guess 5'9ft
He has super black hair like his sister
He is not that fair but his complex is amazing!
Mashaa allah
He is so muscular, he wore a blue tshirt it was very tight that it hugged his muscles..

Astafiruallah ashwaq stop he is still not your mahram, I lowered my gaze
As I was not allowed to stare at him.

"Adam, this is ashwaq, your soon to be wifee"

What, is he looking at me now
Should I look at him
Should I still look down
What shall I do
I am confused

"Ashwaq, look up at him, dont you want to see your soon to be husband?"

Mum, you are embarrassing me.. I said in my mind

I slowly lift my head towards him
Just for a minute and turned back facing down again..

"Shes shy, don't worry adam, she is charming, she will get used to you very fast"

Please goo adam please goo
If you stay for longer
Mum will embarrass me moree
Ya Allah please

"Okay, aunty I am off to the hall"

Thank you Allah
He left

Once he left
All of my cousins
Came inside
They were looking at me, with a ready mocking face...

I am sure they will mock me till I get angry.
I will just chill and smile to them

"So ash uh! Adam right" said aisha

Here we go, they started already
Ya Allah
I will hear his name more than a millon times...


Adam p.o.v

I pretended to have a business call so as not to see her
I wasn't interested to see her..

When my own father texted me and thretened me....I had no choice but to go and see soo called ashwaq...

When I entered the women's room
All of my aunties were greeting me and congratulating me
While I was responding to them
That girl was checking me out,like seriously checking me out..and she was acting innocent infront of my looking down......
OMG she's such a drama queen....

Without wasting time I called the private car to pick me up, back to the hotel....

A person like me shouldn't be traveling in cabs or public transportation..

Once I just get back
Will have a good sleep...

Suddenly a text pop out on my phone
And it scared me to death
My heart was pumping so hard,my skin was cold as ice and sweat ran down my spine.

Asalaam alalikum

Please dont comment on my grammar
Or spelling's....i dont re check my work
And i have no EDITOR please please...
I am very busy have no time to re check

Plz do respect......

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