He's Gone

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Maya woke up and looked over on to the other side of the bed. She hoped to see Farkle, she hoped it wasn't real. She should've known by now that hope breeds eternal misery. She tried to smile when she saw the person laying beside her, but she couldn't because it wasn't Farkle. He was gone.

Riley stirred next to her best friend and then she tore her eyes away from her, she had been having trouble looking at her since they heard the awful news that Farkle was gone. She knew Lucas was right, it wasn't Maya's fault, but she couldn't help but feel angry with Maya for not staying with him or trying to wake him up.

Maya hated herself for the same reason. She hated herself for sneaking out of Farkle's room and not even checking on him to see if he was still breathing. Tears slipped out of her eyes every time she thought about how she could have saved him, she could have called 911 and got him to a hospital if she just would've checked on him instead of sneaking out. Her soft tears turned into full blown sobs and Riley wanted to comfort her, but she laid beside her, eyes shut tightly, pretending to still be sleeping instead.

Riley rolled over on her side, she figured her mom would come in soon to wake the girls and her mom could comfort Maya, but she heard a voice from the window and sighed.

"Morn- Maya?!" His panicked tone of voice made Riley feel bad for not letting Maya know she was awake.

She felt the bed dip a little and knew he sat down by Maya, probably took her into his arms. Riley couldn't help feeling a twinge of jealousy. She got over her crush on Lucas while Maya and Farkle were in rehab because she realized she has feelings for Farkle and Lucas admitted that he had a crush on Maya, but now Farkle was gone and she could never be with him, she couldn't even tell him how she felt, but Lucas was right there, holding Maya, and caring for her.

Riley was jealous. She hated that Maya got her guy annd Riley lost hers, and she's trying very hard to not blame Maya, but she did. In the back her mind that one thought was festering. If Maya had stayed with Farkle he might still be alive.

"I-If I just stayed- If I st-stayed with him. He m-might st-still be alive." She heard her thought tumble out of Maya's mouth and she felt awful.

"Shush, no. It wasn't your fault, Maya. You didn't know." Lucas kissed the side of Maya's head. "In the moment you just wanted to leave and that's okay. You didn't know that Farkle-"

Maya sobbed in Lucas' arms and Riley started sobbing too, quietly, when she heard his name. Farkle was gone and there was no way to bring him back.

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