Chapter 5:Runaway of the Lovers

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Lady was distraught as she sat with Tramp on her front steps, staring sadly out into the lonely street. The loss of her son for a second time hurt her dearly, and so did the loss of his girlfriend. After alerting Jim Dear and Darling hurriedly with barks, their two owners came out, Darling carrying Junior. They were shocked to see the absence of their rebellious puppies.

"Oh, Jim Dear, Scamp and Angel are gone!" Darling gasped sadly.

"Scamp! Angel!" Junior cried on Darling's sleeve.

"I can't believe what's happening to us," Jim Dear told Darling sadly, patting her on the shoulder.

"Nor can I," Lady told Tramp as Jim Dear and Darling went inside. "Why couldn't you have just talked about your past to our children?"

Tramp replied uncomfortably, "Well, uh, you know. The past is past, and it's not our concern anymore!"

Lady looked seriously at Tramp. "If you just told them about your girlfriends..."

"Yeah...but Pidge, I didn't know that Angel was one of Peg's," Tramp told Lady.

"But you should have told her and the rest of our children that your past was, well, not the best," Lady insisted, and in a slightly sad voice, she added, "Sometimes I think you haven't changed."

Tramp replied, "Oh, come on Pidge. They're just kids. They wouldn't understand this stuff yet."

Lady said nothing in reply. There was a short silence before Lady sighed, "I just miss Scamp so much... all I want is for him to be happy here, and he always seems upset. I thought that adopting Angel would make him happy here, I really did," Lady cried. "And I miss her too. She was beginning to feel like a real daughter to me..." Lady choked back a tear before asking, "Why? Why does Angel have to be the daughter of that spiteful pound dog?"

"Oh come on Pidge, Peg's not that bad," Tramp told Lady.

Lady looked suspiciously at Tramp before incredulously saying, "Not that bad? That pound dog came here to try and tear our relationship apart! She's horrible, unless..." Lady sighed, "You want to be with her and not me."

"Of course not!" Tramp told Lady. "You're one of a kind, Pidge. And my days with Peg are over. But... well, I know her, she was my closest girlfriend before I met you. She's nice enough, but you're special, honest!"

Lady eyed Tramp suspiciously but didn't say anything. The two of them sat on the steps sadly. Lady was unsure on what she should do next, other than to wait for Jim Dear and Darling to act, but Tramp had an idea. He stood up and proclaimed, "Pidge, I'm gonna go out and find them."

Lady looked up at Tramp, still concerned, but now with a clear look of suspicion in her face. "You just want to get out," she told him softly. "How do I know that you won't run off too and won't come back? What if you want to find Peg?"

"Well Pidge, you can come along with me if you want," Tramp told Lady. "You can make sure that Peg or any of my other girlfriends don't come to see me, and you can make sure I don't leave, you know, and keep my behavior in check."

"But... Jim Dear and Darling will be concerned," Lady sighed worriedly. "Last time that I left it was different. When I ran away then, Aunt Sarah and her Siamese cats were there. I never have run out on Jim Dear and Darling. And not only them, but our daughters! What would they do without us? They would be so sad that we wouldn't be able to go to the show to see them..."

Tramp told Lady, "Come on Pidge, we've got to save Scamp and Angel! They could get into real trouble, and they could've been sent to the pound already!"

"Well, I suppose they are troublemakers," Lady quietly told Tramp. "And I would hate to see them in the pound."

Suddenly, Lady saw Jock and Trusty, her neighbors and loyal friends, cross the street. Lady got an idea. She rushed over to meet them and asked, "Jock? Trusty? Could you please come over?"

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