Chapter One

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March, 1911

Eric Birling wasn't an uncommon sight at the Brumley Palace Bar, he could often be seen drinking in good company while progressively growing more and more intoxicated as the hours passed by. Sometimes until he was forced to leave at the bar's closing time. He was well aware that he drank perhaps, a tad more than the average young man in Brumley but chalked it down to merely enjoying his youth. After all he wouldn't always have this much freedom, as his father loved to so often remind him. He would have to grow a greater sense of responsibility once he joined his father's company.

As usual Eric was sat at his spot at the corner of the bar. He didn't like to attract too much attention since the place was known to be a favorite haunt of 'women of the town' and he didn't fancy the type of reputation it would get him. He laughed along to something one of his friends had said, barely processing what they were even talking about as he hadn't been paying attention. Unsurprisingly when he lifted his glass it was empty, so he decided in favor of buying another.

After excusing himself from the table, Eric maneuvered his way around the prostitutes and towards the bar. The night was still relatively young and therefore he was only on his second or third drink, nowhere near enough for it to be properly enjoyable.

"Another please." He said as he handed his glass over. The bartender looked at him dubiously, as if he was going to question whether Eric should take another glass or not but decided against it and resigned himself to making the drink. While he waited, Eric noticed a familiar figure sitting on his own. "Put it on my tab." He told the bartender as he received his drink and began to head towards the man.

"Gerald?" He asked.

Gerald took a moment to register who it was that had addressed him. He looked momentarily taken aback, seemingly embarrassed to have been caught in such a place, but it took only a moment for his cool demeanor to return.

"Eric, fancy meeting you here." Gerald smiled at him warmly. If he had been drinking excessively, Eric wouldn't have been able to tell. It had been a while since he'd last seen his sister's fiancé but he hadn't changed much and was just as good looking as he had always been. Sheila was certainly a lucky woman.

"Oh I don't come often," Eric lied, noticing that Gerald's glass was empty, "May I?" He indicated at the empty bar stool next to him.

"Of course." He responded, "And I've only been once or twice when life's gotten a little busy at the works." Eric sat down beside him and nodded, downing his own drink.

"What drink do you take? Have one, on me." Eric offered with a grin. He'd never been granted the opportunity to get to know his future brother in law and now was a good of a time as any.

"Well, if you're sure then who am I to decline? I'll take a whiskey." Gerald said. Upon closer inspection Eric could see the faint signs of stress beginning to appear on Gerald, dark under eyes and a slight furrow in his brow. The man looked in need of a whiskey.

"Ah, a man of good taste!" Eric waved the bartender over to them and ordered two scotch whiskeys. It didn't take long for him to forget all about the friends he had deserted in the corner, though he doubted that they'd miss him. If they'd noticed his absence at all, that was.

Once a few hours had passed it became clear to Gerald that it was time for Eric to go home, neither man was sober however Eric was definitely a little worse for wear. He was certainly a convincing chap however, it was rare for Gerald to drink any meaningful amount even with a good amount of coercion but he hadn't put up much of a fight against Eric. Perhaps it was because he was naturally assertive or maybe it was merely the stress of the works catching up with him. Either way it mattered little to him as they stumbled alongside each other  around the back streets of the palace bar, loudly laughing about nonsense.

Despite his parents owning an estate, Gerald owned his own apartment and opted to taking Eric there to spend the night. Not that this made it by any means less desirable than an estate as it was of the upmost luxury and thankfully much closer to Brumley town center. However even with it being within walking distance, admittedly neither Gerald nor Eric was in a fit state to be walking any real distance and so Gerald hailed a taxi.

The journey was short, Gerald was just thankful that Eric hadn't fallen asleep or vomited in the cab. He fumbled with his keys as Eric leaned against the door of the apartment for support, there was no way he would have been able to make his own way all the way back to the Birlings' manor by himself. Once they were both inside Gerald glanced at Eric, doubtfully wondering if he could make it up the stairs.

As if Eric had read his mind he said, "I'm not your bride Gerald, you don't have to carry me across the premise."

"Forgive me, I could've sworn she was with me when we left the Altar." Gerald sighed and held out his hand, "I suppose you'll just have to do."

"Such a romantic, I'm flattered." Eric grinned as he took Gerald's arm, thankful for the support. They began to walk up the stairs and towards the spare bedroom where Gerald carefully guided Eric to the bed. He sat down with a thump as Gerald started to make his way towards the door.

"What, do you not wish to bed me on our wedding night Gerald darling? Am I not even deserving of a goodnight's kiss?" Eric asked as he pouted dramatically.

"Of course my love." Gerald laughed as he moved back towards Eric, sitting next to him on the bed and carefully pecking him on the cheek.

"Well, I must say I'm glad not to be your wife if that's what you class as a proper goodnight's kiss." Eric huffed. Gerald rolled his eyes and gently placed his hand against Eric's cheek, guiding his face towards his own and kissing him upon the lips. He half expected Eric to move away however instead he moved closer, snaking his arms around Gerald's neck and deepening the kiss. For some reason Gerald allowed this, welcomed it even.

A moment passed and Gerald seemed to snap back into reality, instantly pulling away from Eric as he became fully aware of what he was doing.

"Now that's a goodnight's kiss." Eric smiled, not noticing Gerald's abrupt change in mood. He stood up,

"We're squiffy. It's time to go to bed." he said, his tone cold. He quickly walked out of the room, closing the door after him and leaving behind a confused Eric in his wake.

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