III- my gamora

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Now I'm here, walking up to him without knowing, I suddenly face him. More anger, and rage, enter my mind thinking about everything he's done.
Seeing him here. Helpless, satisfies me, knowing not longer he'll be dead on the floor, I find Gamora and see her again and tell her how much I love her. And our unborn child. There better not be harm to either of them or else Thanos would regret it greatly.
"I thought you'd be harder to catch. For the record, this was my plan." I smile, pointing towards Tony.
"Where is Gamora." I say, clearly and sharply.
"My.. Gamora.." He said, quietly, clearly sounding like he's struggling. No. Not his. Never his.
"No bullshit! Where is she?!" I say, angered. I can feel it. The anger taking over me. The same feeling like with Ego. The same I felt when he told me he was the one planning the death of my mom. The reason why this all happened, but now I don't regret it. If all this never happened exactly the way it did, I wouldn't have met her. And a life without her would be boring and empty, so I am happy things happened the way they did.
"He is in anguish!" Mantis says, loudly. I could hear the struggle in her voice, how hard it must be to hold him under, but I don't think about it for long. I can't. This feeling inside of me. I feels like something is taking over me. Like I'm drowning in it, desperate to rise up to the surface and be able to breathe again, but I can't. The feeling just keeps shoving me down, deeper, and deeper, before I eventually sink and began sobbing in front of everyone.
"He mourns." Mantis says again, but cries out this time, as if feeling his pain. What does this he have to mourn?
"What does this monster have to mourn!" Drax yells, also struggling to keep him down, taking the thought right out of my mind.
What does he have to mourn? The face that he has decimated and killed many innocent lives just to get all these infinity stones? No that doesn't make sense. He wanted this so badly, he wouldn't care about the lives he has ended, so what? Thanos, the great titan feeling sad? No. He's probably just tricking us so we would let him go, allowing him to fulfill his insane plan.
"Gamora." Nebula says, in an uncertain tone. That word instantly shatters my world. Like glass when you throw a baseball towards it. The glass shattering into the floor, breaking into little pieces, some more painful than the others.
"He took her to Vormir. He came back with the stone, but.. She didn't" Nebula continues, looking down. My train of thought instant crashes. Every emotion instant wiped with anger and sadness. No, no, no, no he can't kill her, I frantically try my best to reassure myself. I can only begin to think of the many ways she must have died. Stabbed, tortured, choked. Imagining all those possibilities happening to Gamora, the one person who wouldn't ever hurt anyone, who would throw her own life in the line to save many other innocent lives, being killed. By him.

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