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Lyria is an angel. Once she had huge wings that stretched wider than all others and shone brighter than any that had been seen before.

Once angels were allowed to leave heaven and join the mortals in their realm. They were allowed to fall in love as long as they never forgot their place in heaven. Falling in love with one another was never forbidden but neither was it recommended. In those times Lyria found herself experiencing the emotion no one could ever describe to a satisfactory level. She was in love. With another angel; Dani.

But then Lucifer, the most trusted angel in heaven turned against them and became the devil. He created a hell and all angels were given the choice between heaven and hell. During this time love was forbidden, until they had chosen sides. As was travel to the mortal realm. It was in this time that Dani and Lyria found their love's end.

Dani refused to chose preferring his love over any status. They were both cast down and because the balance was even between heaven and hell,  travel to and from the mortal realm was reopened for all but the immortal lovers. They walked the earth, immortal but without their powers. They did not age or change and still had wings, but they had changed. Their wings didn't glow as bright, nor were they as large. Both were trapped in human forms, their wings hidden.

But, they had each other and because of that they were happy. Then came Lillith, the immortal love of Lucifer. She was known as the killer of mortal men for she would bed them and then kill them. She wished to take away their happiness, for she had once loved Dani as he now loved Lyria.

After many years, Dani gave in. At least Lyria was made to believe he did.

Lyria was left to wonder the earth alone. She had been banished as punishment for stopping Dani from choosing a side, and for still not choosing one herself. For centuries she wandered alone, with only the company of mortal lovers and friends, along with the few angels who still returned to the mortal world

She was never truly happy. Hiding her wings and her true nature meant she constantly had to move before people noticed she didn't age, and meant she could never have long lasting relationships. She went through her life watching those around her die, all while pretending to be a normal human teenager.

Enter Damon, a teenage boy who joined her new school. He immediately takes an interest in the angel. Drawn to her otherworldly beauty and confused as to the source of her never-ending sadness.

But at the same time, heaven is distracted with the fate of the fallen and hell is rising, unchecked. And perhaps, Lyria is more important than even she could guess.

But is Damon really who he says he is? And what really happened to Dani? Why is heaven so interested in the fallen angel's choice? And most importantly, who will win the war that could decide the fate of all of us?

This is the story of one distraught angel who might just hold the fate of worlds in her hands, a believed-to-be teenage boy, and a war that could destroy our world.

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