meeting her

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my name is Luke and this is how I met my SIREN wife for the first time no one would believe a man would fall in love with a siren who would? not normal people obviously so here we go. I was doing my normal it was dark I lived in a beach house I was walking to the window before I knew it there was a siren laying wounded on rocks hidden where no one could bearly see her I ran to see if the girl was okay I got close enough to see this was no ordinary girl she was a siren blue hair and tail she was beautiful I picked her up and once she dryed off abit she had legs I took her in my home I wrapped her wounds covered her up I locked the door and had went to bed I woke the next morning and made tea I thought I was dreaming but no she was real it was real I met a real siren I came back to only see her having my pet goldfish in her mouth she looked at me funny. hey I brought tea want some? she of course swallowed the fish and reached for the cup. carful it's hot. she nodded. what's your name? im Melady. well Melady im Luke the human. she blinked a few times then laughed brightly. hello Luke the human. so your a siren? yes I am I ran away from home before they made me wed someone I wish not to. you can stay here if you want I have the room. thank you but I do not want to put you in danger Luke. you wont I can handle myself. you sure? im sure plus your hurt you arnt going any where any time soon. she looks at her wounds. you dressed me? yes I found you hurt. thank you I have some clothes you can use. women clothes? no sorry we'll have to get some you can use mine. thank you i'll dress now. I lead her to my room then leave she walks to me not shortly after having the clothes on wrong. AH! I cover my eyes fastly. what is wrong is this how you dress? not exactly here let me help you have under things on? I believe so. I un-cover my eyes. yes you got that right here. I help her re-dress and once I got done a buddy of mine Mark walks in my house. YO DUUUUUDE! oh no. what is wrong? you have to hide. she grabbed her triton. is there a threat? no no just hide in this room and don't come out until I say so okay? very well. I wait till she gets in the room and close the door the mark storms in the room. yo bro! hey dude what up? guess who got us free drinks! um you? yeee boiii. that sounds fun. bruh you okay you don't sound yourself. im fine dude im just tired is all I had a long night. ah well i'll see ya later! alright. mark left which was good so I opened the door. your good. what is this room? it's a storage room. she walks out as I shut the door. who was that? a friend just do me a favor. hm? if he comes and im not home do not open the door if he opens the door you hide. I don't fight him? no no you dont fight but if he dose act rude please go ahead and slap him. alright. so let's go get some girl clothes. alright. I helped her to the car she was glued to the window as we drove i'll never forget the amazement on her face she was so surprised with everything it was cute I knew I was falling for her and I didn't care just one day and im already falling for her huh I pulled in the parking lot and helped her out the car and went in the store and we got her some clothes. did you like those? yes I did everything was so pretty. I put the clothes in the back and we went shopping for food and other things I lived in a small town so everyone knew everyone so when they saw her they was curious about what we were once we got back to my house we carried everything inside I went to cook for us to my surprise she came to watch me cook. why are you watching me? I find this human stuff amazing I want to know more. alright come i'll teach you. so I taught her everything I knew even after dinner she had so many questions I gave her answers which led to more questions it was cute we grew closer and closer that night I was watching a horror flick she had watched it with me I thought for sure she would be scared but she sat there next to me with a stight face until she saw a evil doll move then she clung to me and hugged me tightly I rubbed her back. it's okay mel it's a fake doll it isn't real. that was creepy though. I know it's okay. she let go a little she stayed close soon she had fallen asleep I took her to the guest room and covered her up I locked the door and went to bed myself 4 hours later I was woken up by melady she was scared looking. whats wrong mel? im scared. what's scaring you? it was storming out and lightning and thunder was constantly happening once thunder hit again and lightning hit I saw how pale she was. mel? I just am I think it's this weather you say as it is. want me to stay up with you until you fall asleep? can I sleep with you? uh... I didn't know how to respond at first but if that helped then. sure mel come on. she crawled under the blankets and laid her head on my chest and I could feel her shaking I held her close and soon she stopped shaking and she had fallen asleep the next morning I had left her a note and I went out once she woke up she was about to panic until she saw the note she got clothes on and she went to make herself some tea she heard the door open she looked at the mirror it was mark she ran to the bedroom and hid as she grabbed her triton. yo bro you home!? he looked in every room besides the bedroom she was safe or so she thought. dude im coming to your room. she tried hiding under the bed but couldn't the closet was to small to hide in she swung her weapon in front of her as he opened the door she looked firce and scared. woah who are you? get out. does he know your here? I should ask you that! she put the triton further to him as if she'd stab him. woah calm down girl. as I got home I saw my door open I panicked and ran in the house. I SAID GET OUT! I ran towards my bed room to see mark and mel and mel's weapon how nice I rushed to grab mel and her weapon. ooookay everyone calm down. mel hid right behind me and hugged me tightly she was scared I don't blame her a random guy walking into another person's house without that person there. bro who is that chick she's crazy! this chick is melady she's- im his girlfriend. I look at her in shock. excuse us mark. I shut the bedroom door and whisper to her. my girlfriend? is that what you humans call friends who are girl's? no we call girlfriend's and boyfriend's as a dating thing. you mean like lovers? yes exactly. oh I just told him we was...oooh im so sorry luke I had no intention. no it's fine I don't mind if you don't. I couldn't tell with her she was full of surprises I loved that. um luke? hm? mark is still out there and um I wanted to let you know I really do like you as what you call a boyfriend. she smiled as I blushed I was happy but i've only known her for 2 days normally that's a rush but I don't honestly care. date me then? she kissed me sweetly. of course. I picked her up and hugged her I had let her down and opened the door to see a angery mark. so?!? mark this is my girlfriend melady melady this is mark a friend of mine. hello mark nice to meet you. uh huh nice to meet you. mark mel she grew up always in danger and she never saw the world she never got out her home before no school nothing so when you showed up out of no where you scared her. oh im sorry girl I didn't know. its alright friends? sure! I liked that mel tried being as much human as possible she was truly a sweet but strong women I couldn't have asked for better

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