The Begining

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There is a world quite like ours out there. Perhaps it may even have the same name as ours. But, it is not entirely the same, for this world has magic. Undeniably real magic. Now, it's not to say that mine, yours, or our world doesn't have magic, because they do. But this one I speak of is a bit... peculiar. On this world, anything is possible. But, like any world, where there is good, there is bad.

Our story begins with a young man named Argon. Argon's family was well known throughout the town as the wealthiest people in the kingdom. He was a simple man, aged 25 at the time, but he had many things lined up in his destiny. One day, Argon would be the most powerful wizard known to man. But, he doesn't know that yet. Now, looking at a map of Earth, the kingdom Argon and his family live in would be about where Tokyo, Japan is. However, they do not exactly live like the ancient Japanese you may be thinking of. People go about their day, they work, they eat, they sleep, and the cycle continues. Argon was born into wealth. His grandfather was a swindler, his father was a gambler, and it seemed he would have to do one or the other to keep the family wealthy. His father had lined up several jobs within the kingdom he could do, one of them being a treasury cleaner. He started working at age 15, and over ten years he had been stealing coins from the treasury. The king knew, of course, but he didn't care. The king was just happy that he had so many supportive people and kingdoms on his side. But, he died on Argon's 25th birthday.

Ever since the king died, the kingdoms were in war to who would rule. The war lasted three months, but at the end, only one king stood at the top. The dark king of the forbidden kingdom to the west had killed all of the other kingdom's soldiers single-handedly. Every wizard, every guard, everyone who got in his way was emancipated from existence. Five months pass and the kingdom is corrupt. Soldiers are arresting people at random, wizards are burning crops to the ground, and the people are dying by the hundreds. Luckily, Argon's family was prepared for the worst and had stockpiled supplies, but even then, they were running low. Argon and his family were resting one night when several guards broke down their door. The guards grabbed Argon and forced him to watch as his family was gutted by the other guards. They then told him, "Argon Fox, by order of the king you are to be arrested, your family killed, and your money taken."

As the guards began dragging Argon out of the house along with his money, a group of wizards came by and burnt the house down. Argon was furious. He began kicking and screaming at the guards. The guards, being annoyed by this, took their opportunity and hit him over the head with the butt of their swords until he was knocked out.

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